So. Looks like this nutty butterball set off another nuke, huh? Sorry. Still not feeling all hand-wavy about it.
I think it’s the hair. What is it about the Kim Jungs and those loopy haircuts? I understand nobody wants to tell the boss he looks like an idiot — particularly when the boss is a megalomaniac psycho — but c’mon. Really.
p.s. Chances are Davem123 is going to win hisself some dick.
Posted: February 12th, 2013 under personal.
Comments: 50
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: February 12, 2013, 11:07 pm
Huh! So now we know where all the food went!
Comment from AltBBrown
Time: February 12, 2013, 11:17 pm
O.T., but the Dead Pool could be on the move. Supposedly Christopher Dorner was involved in a gunfight in the mountains.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: February 12, 2013, 11:26 pm
Thus confirming that everyone on this blog just looks at the pitchers 😛
Comment from Janna
Time: February 12, 2013, 11:44 pm
I don’t think it’s the hair. I think it’s the snappy military-look jumpsuit. I also think the little guy is “compensating”
Comment from AltBBrown
Time: February 12, 2013, 11:56 pm
I was sent by she-who-must-be-obeyed to look for a fish pitcher. The antique store employed an emigré from Baltimore, MD. Took me several iterations to get from the aquatic arts section to the ceramics.
Comment from Skandia Recluse
Time: February 13, 2013, 12:43 am
Whataday, eh? The poor newsies are gonna be exhausted by the time it’s all over. This hysteria could run for a couple more days at least. The poor dears.
Snow storm of the millennium.
North Korean nuke test.
Crazed ex-cop goes on a mass murder spree.
Shoot out at Big Bear, live, on camera, with audio, helicopters, and humanity, oh my!
President’s Recitation of the mess he has made.
What will we talk about tomorrow?
Comment from Argentium G. Tiger
Time: February 13, 2013, 2:01 am
Christopher Dorner is a … celebrity? I is one confused cat now.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: February 13, 2013, 2:03 am
Oh, yeah. I think a cop killer satisfies the definition of celebrity.
Comment from Pablo
Time: February 13, 2013, 2:09 am
Sorry. Still not feeling all hand-wavy about it.
Consider this an Iranian nuke test, because that’s basically what it is.
Comment from EZnSF
Time: February 13, 2013, 2:53 am
It’s all unicorns, rainbows, and strawberry waffles since I stopped watching the news.
Comment from tomfrompv
Time: February 13, 2013, 3:38 am
I’m new here, so have no right to expect anyone cares about my opinion — but shouldn’t a celebrity have a minimum timespan? I mean, nobody knew who this guy was 10 days ago. Shouldn’t a celebrity be SOMEBODY for, say, a full month?
And, shouldn’t there be some “global” notoriety? Like people in France AND NY both know Clark Gable or Beyonce or John Kerry.
Comment from Christopher Taylor
Time: February 13, 2013, 3:43 am
I think they set off a nuke by accident, or it was a lousy misfire back a few years ago when, like, half of North Korea was on fire.
Comment from Davem123
Time: February 13, 2013, 4:14 am
While some might question Dorners celebrity status, I believe that anyone who dies during their “15 minutes of fame” should qualify. Infamy is a form of celebrity, just ask Joran Van Der Sloot (or Kim Young Jowls, above.)
Comment from Oceania
Time: February 13, 2013, 5:25 am
Cough …. I’m proud to have assisted North Korea with their impulse implosion and flying wedge systems.
I remember when I was at LLNL – that that silly Californian University lost the hard drive with all the US and CCCP nuclear design secrets on it.
It eventually it turned up shoved down the back of a photocopier – or so they claimed in a report to the NSA.
Needless to say, the panting, whinneying, mooing and whining of the Yankees here about North Korea having nukes is appauling. Get over yourselves.
After all, you murdered two New Zealand Prime Ministers for going anti-nuclear.
Comment from AltBBrown
Time: February 13, 2013, 10:30 am
Just outta curiosity – at what moment does celebrity begin? The second hit movie/album? The 10th murder?
And when would it be declared? When their name shows up in Senegalese newspapers?
Davem123 has pretty well captured it with “15 minutes of fame.”
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: February 13, 2013, 1:20 pm
Hmmmm, when does celebrity begin? Well, like it or not, I think that even in the 21st century, celebrity comes wrapped in newspaper.
Hence this stab at a definition:
*You are a celebrity the moment your name appears on the front page of three major newspapers,on the same day, for the second day in a row.*
Comments, opinions, refinements?
Comment from Redd
Time: February 13, 2013, 1:51 pm
With Dorner, it was not that he was a vicious murderer that made him a celebrity. It was the fact that he gave the left and the rupauls little stiffys.
Comment from Davem123
Time: February 13, 2013, 2:40 pm
“Thus confirming that everyone on this blog just looks at the pitchers.”
Having no measurable artistic ability myself, I have to rely on other sources. That’s why I keep coming back here.
Love what you did with the chest badge on Dear Leader III’s uniform. It captures “I Heart Radiation”, but my first thought was that it was some kind of a startled mouse deaths-head. Mickey Maus meets the SS, as it were.
Keep up the good work.
Comment from Redd
Time: February 13, 2013, 2:47 pm
I thought that was a weasel badge.
Comment from Pablo
Time: February 13, 2013, 2:57 pm
Just outta curiosity – at what moment does celebrity begin? The second hit movie/album? The 10th murder?
When the camera crews show up and/or your name becomes a Twitter hashtag.
Comment from mojo
Time: February 13, 2013, 5:08 pm
“Ask me about my NUCLEAR WEAPONS”
Comment from kilroy182
Time: February 13, 2013, 5:46 pm
Terribly off topic and I apologize, but I found a new space sim in development called Star Citizen. Sounds like a nice place to ignore reality ala ‘Kondo Tatsumi’ while the world burns down around us. So who wants to form a “Wild Weasels” squadron?
Comment from Pupster
Time: February 13, 2013, 6:40 pm
You are famous enough when Stoaty has heard of you.
I thought it was a nuclear weasel badge, too. I saw Nuclear Weasel open for Ratt in 1983 at the Omni in Atlanta.
@Oceania –
Comment from Gibby Haynes
Time: February 13, 2013, 6:55 pm
Consider this an Iranian nuke test, because that’s basically what it is.
Still struggling to give much of a fuck.
Say, uh, does anyone sell those loveheart-radiation-hazard-sign badges? I’d wear one of those fo sho.
Comment from AltBBrown
Time: February 13, 2013, 7:07 pm
My name could be on Twitter being blasted as a llamaphile and I wouldn’t know it until the camera crews showed up.
Comment from Redd
Time: February 13, 2013, 7:13 pm
Hmmm…I wonder if radiation badges come in decorative shapes?
Comment from Oceania
Time: February 13, 2013, 8:05 pm
Nope, you get your standard film, and TLD for alpha, beta and gamma, and CR39 track badges for neutron …
They are all ugly.
Comment from Gibby Haynes
Time: February 13, 2013, 8:28 pm
Oceania, what’s your academic background? If you don’t mind me asking.
Comment from mojo
Time: February 13, 2013, 8:40 pm
Ocean majored in being a pain.
Comment from tomfrompv
Time: February 13, 2013, 9:03 pm
Just out of newbie curiosity — does Mr Oceania always post the non sequitur? And do others always step around it? Its kind of humorous but weird too.
For example, I was not aware that the US killed not just one, but TWO, New Zealand PMs. Or that North Korea is a craphole NOT because of oppressive commie dictators but because the US opposes said oppressive dictators having nuclear weapons.
Assuming a person actually BELIEVES this stuff and isn’t trolling, how does said person actually deal with everyday life? I suspect a troll, but I’m new here.
Comment from mojo
Time: February 13, 2013, 9:07 pm
It was the cardboard bridge that was your first clue, wasn’t it?
C’mon, fess up…
Comment from Deborah
Time: February 13, 2013, 10:01 pm
I suspect SumDumName will slip on a banana peel before long.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: February 13, 2013, 10:39 pm
Nobody is entirely sure what the deal is with Oceania, tomfrompv. A troll, definitely. He can sometimes be quite funny (at least, I find him so). Sometimes even intentionally.
But he can also be a right dickbag. I quietly biff anything too far over the line, but I let stuff through if he minds his manners. The last thing I need is to piss him off and motivate him to make a real nuisance of himself.
Whether he’s a genuine paranoid nutcake or just plays one for trolling purposes, who knows?
Comment from Oceania
Time: February 14, 2013, 12:29 am
You called?
I have no reason to post anything that isn’t accurate, or a falsehood. I post as my morals and conscience dictate, and say what, when I please.
I see US funded pundits and various military and political people coming over the years to try to change NZs anti-nuclear policy. If Chernobyl and Fukushima weren’t enough for them? Or you? Why is the US pushing for NZ to remove its anti-nuclear laws, and push for reactors and weapons on our soil – yet has a problem with North Korea?
If you wonder why you are at odds with the rest of the world, then you need to ask yourself why.
Comment from tomfrompv
Time: February 14, 2013, 12:57 am
OK, Like all Americans i’m uninformed. So I had to read up on these assassinations in New Zealand by the US. Hmmm, couldn’t find any PMs that were assassinated. In fact, only 3 PMs have died while in office since WWII. Heart attacks and that sort of thing. No assassinations.
Sooooo, what were the names of those two poor men killed by the US?
Until then, I’ll be researching why the US is forcing NZ to revoke its anti-nuke laws. Hopefully, I’ll have better luck finding this info than finding PM assassinations!
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: February 14, 2013, 1:06 am
Good heavens, Oceania, of course I don’t wonder why we’re at odds with the rest of the world. The rest of the world is at odds with the rest of the world. Everybody is at odds with everybody. Everyone, every nation, every organism ultimately acts in its own self-interest. The US is the biggest dog, so it calls down the most opprobrium, but we are neither more nor less self-interested than the next nation.
Tom, you deserve a medal. Or a tranquilizer dart. I suspect you won’t find anything very coherent.
Comment from Davem123
Time: February 14, 2013, 2:49 am
You’re assuming that Tom isn’t a golem of the wonder from down under, sent to bring us to a greater understanding of the dangers of radioactivity.
Comment from tomfrompv
Time: February 14, 2013, 3:42 am
I checked that out too. Yes, NZ is a nuclear free zone, even if nobody was assassinated. But that only applies to nuke weapons. Nothing in their laws prevent a power plant, although NZ hasn’t built one yet. They prefer the higher price of solar, wind, and fossil.
HOWEVER, nuclear medicine is just FINE down there. You want some radioactivity to kill a tumor — no problemo. barium in your enemas? Bring it on. Seems they really only care about weapons and American naval ships.
Still looking for dead PMs, killed by the LAPD or CIA.
Comment from Oceania
Time: February 14, 2013, 4:28 am
A nuclear power free zone …
Nuclear medicine? Tc99(m) from a cow for imaging and the odd import of I and Cr for labelling … then the is the T, P32, U and S35 for wetbench work. oh I missed PET – but why not have an MRI?
I cannot think of a man made isotope regularly used in oncology. Linacs however are, although I view them as crude nasty tools. Unless one adds gold nanoparticles with specific antibodies to be taken up for nano ablation – radio is a waste of time ….
Take adenoid cystic carcinoma. Myb transcription is upregulated, making them radio-resistant.
If you have cancer, man made radiation sources are probably not for you …. there are better approaches.
I hope that you learnt something today?
Class dismissed!
Comment from Mitchell
Time: February 14, 2013, 4:47 am
I can’t help but notice that it declined the opportunity to actually answer any of the questions Tom posed to it.
Comment from BJM
Time: February 14, 2013, 5:29 am
Oceania is like the guest who shouts down every conversation, eats all the shrimp, feels up the hostess, pukes in the rose bushes and passes out on the lawn.
Dude, social skillz, get some.
Comment from Oceania
Time: February 14, 2013, 6:04 am
Oh you want details to what specifically?
Alexia Putins vists to NZ?
Social skills? But most of you are ghastly uncultured Americans … how dare you.
If I was at your party, I’d fill your toilet up with a self polymerising hylauranan polysaccharide salisylic hydrogel and block your shitter.
Comment from Mitchell
Time: February 14, 2013, 7:07 am
it pretends it has not been asked specific details about its claims of NZ PM assassinations. it also pretends that anyone anywhere gives a shit about NZ nuclear policies – medicinal, energy or militarily.
New Zealand exists for the sole purpose of giving us interesting backdrops for our Hobbit movies. Oh, and hilarious videos of your soccer teams doing funky pre-game tribal “intimidation” chants.
Comment from Oceania
Time: February 14, 2013, 8:01 pm
Firstly, under your copyright laws (which you shove down people throats) the owners of the ‘Hibbit’ may want to disagree with you. Namely, the NZ Taxpayers whom funded this little movie adventure. Why don’t you ask Peter Jackson? Cos that’s what he said!
Give a faecal droplet? Oh contrarity! And Hilarity, my little American fiend!
Overdose of anaesthetic and infectious amyloidosis. And if you are Mr Fraser, in Australia, you shouldn’t go swimming in the Surf.
Don’t you even watch your own movies? The Falcon and the Snowman?
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: February 14, 2013, 8:29 pm
I think Oceania missed his nap today. He’s a little fussy.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: February 14, 2013, 9:14 pm
Oh, by the way…speaking of copyright laws, any of you old enough to own the first authorized edition of the Lord of the Rings books in the late Sixties? It had an introduction by Tolkien that was a sniffy little statement about something like “people who care about the rights of living artists.” The backstory is that the American publishing market was full of notorious copyright violators, who’d been pirating LotR for years before the authorized edition was released.
It is, by the way, German copyright law that that is incredibly heavy and gets foist off on the rest of us. With the exception of the Copyright Term Extension Act, which is sometimes called the Mickey Mouse Protection Act, because Disney pushed so hard for it. Hence, the mouse will stay under copyright protection until the 2020s.
Comment from naleta
Time: February 15, 2013, 6:09 pm
My mother bought that edition of both The Hobbit and LOTR. I read them every summer during my teens. I got a little something different out of them each time, which has made me more willing to accept the possibility that just because I don’t happen to like a certain book at my current age, doesn’t meant that I might not have liked if I were younger. I don’t think I’d be too likely to give that disliked book another chance in a couple of years, though. There’s just too much stuff out there nowadays.
Comment from Oceania
Time: February 16, 2013, 7:21 am
Hobbits? Oh since they were introduced to new Zealand, they have become a noxious pest.
You can now get permits to hunt Hobbits, as their numbers have become such that they are destroying the environment.
In other words, they are just like Muslims!
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