Fun with wallpaper
Click the images for the great big color wallpaper-sized versions. And if there are any P’shoppers who want the .psd file with the layers and the editable text to play with, lemme know.
Posted: May 21st, 2008 under photoshop, politics.
Comments: 14
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Time: May 21, 2008, 9:30 am
[…] S. Weasel unleases her latest Photoshops on BHO. I like the second. […]
Comment from pajama momma
Time: May 21, 2008, 10:04 am
Oh, and hands off my wife you scalliwags!
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 21, 2008, 1:21 pm
This is kind of interesting: an MIT project to track YouTube videos that have been taken down for copyright violation.
Wait. Why do I think that’s kind of interesting? Never mind…
Comment from Steve Skubinna
Time: May 21, 2008, 1:57 pm
Ooooh… you are so going straight to diversity hell!
Comment from geoff
Time: May 21, 2008, 3:47 pm
Pretty funny, S.
Comment from Miss Piggy
Time: May 21, 2008, 4:32 pm
Now listen here, old lady. You have dared to compare Barack Obama to moi, which is highly insulting (to moi, of course.) You deserve fifty lashes with a wet noodle for that. But moi will forgive you that because your heart is in the right place.
(And of course, I had to call you an old lady. To a girl as permanently young as moi, anyone over the age of 18 is old.)
Comment from kishnevi
Time: May 21, 2008, 4:34 pm
(puts away Miss Piggy puppet and returns to research needed for the next round of Friday Cute Blogging)
Comment from BGG
Time: May 21, 2008, 9:06 pm
Could you possibly do a General Zod 2008 wallpaper? I’m just sayin. I would really like a General Zod. Kneel before Zod.
Comment from sillyblindharper
Time: May 21, 2008, 9:10 pm
*breathe*… ok, I’m done.
Comment from Old Iron
Time: May 22, 2008, 2:42 am
Dear God that was funny.
Chalk up another win, Weasel!
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 22, 2008, 5:56 am
There’s nothing clever about the Photoshopping on this one, Attila. Pretty straight use of Obama campaign materials. But I did register a domain that I was going to use for Photoshop and other arty demonstrations (the Weasel Academy of Fine Art, for those of you playing along at home). I’ve been too flat-out busy to do anything with it.
I’m on the market at last! Have I mentioned that? I’ve got STRANGERS tramping through my HOUSE when I’m NOT HOME. Feh!
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 22, 2008, 8:19 am
Oh, man, if you haven’t read Christopher Taylor today, do. He’s got an article about how that annoying LifeLock guy (the one who reads his own social security number on-air to prove how well he can protect you from identity fraud) has had his own identity compromised multiple times.
Comment from funny stuff
Time: August 17, 2013, 2:09 pm
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