There once was a stoat from Pawtucket…
I had to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles this morning and deal with some paperwork. The state’s main DMV is in Pawtucket (Home of the Rude Limerick) and for several years now has been housed in what used to be a department store. I bought a microwave there once. They took out the clothing racks, brought in some cubicles and left everything else the way it was, which is a little brain-hurty. On the wall behind the Registrations lady was a sign that said, “No More Than 4 Items at a Time in the Dressing Rooms.”
I asked her about it, and she said the higher ups were so certain they’d be moving to a proper building right away, they didn’t want to do anything to settle in. Three and half years and counting. It’s a shabby and depressing place, but the staff are much friendlier than they used to be and the process isn’t too slow or painful.
But, jeez, last few times I’ve been in there, everyone waiting in line has been very young, very recently immigrated, very shabby or had…something wrong with them. I know that dealerships take care of the plates for new cars, but surely everyone has to show up in person for his or her driver’s license photo? Where are the shiny middle-class people? Is there a special Middle Class Day? Why didn’t somebody tell me?
If I’ve been stricken off the White Privilege Mailing List again, I’m going to be so pissed.
Posted: March 27th, 2007 under government, personal.
Comments: 2
Comment from mesablue
Time: March 27, 2007, 11:01 pm
Where are the shiny middle-class people?
No one’s told you where the secret DMV office/day spas are?
You must have really pissed someone off.
I got in eighteen holes the last time I renewed my license.
Comment from OmbudsBen
Time: March 30, 2007, 4:05 pm
Once you tick off us SFL’s, we put your name on certain lists maintained by “the bureaucracy.” Remember, the bureaucratic lists are maintained by SFL’s. They were our idea in the first place.
Tick us off, and the advantages of big government don’t come quite so easy any more.
you’ve been warned, my friend.
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