Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos
It’s great fun watching Hillary! try to pass, isn’t it? She’s uploaded HumanBeing 2.0, but she hasn’t worked all the bugs out yet.
Kang and Kodos, ladies and gents — my favorite cartoon political metaphor. Sure, bigger and in color.
Posted: April 21st, 2015 under personal, photoshop, politics.
Comments: 5
Comment from Stark Dickflüssig
Time: April 21, 2015, 10:04 pm
I like all the posturing going on right now:
“Hillary’s not a lock-in.”
“She’s not as left-wing as you think.”
“The GOP would easily beat her.”
This segues to angry denouncements liberally sprinkled with phrases like “holding the GOP hostage”, “extremist agenda”, & so on; which all ends up in, “I voted for her because I think she really cares about the country.”
#Hillary2016 #GetUsedToItProles
Comment from .
Time: April 22, 2015, 2:53 pm
Aliens advise her all right.
Watto & Ferengi.
I’d like to point out a discrepancy that seems to escape the enthusiasts of the idea of private property.
Please be consistent and cope with the reality of what it looks like when your ruling class is purchased and mortgaged. It becomes a no-trespass zone, and although the top foreman is occasionally rotated, the pyramid that put him there has probably started when there was no Sphinx in Egypt. It is a safe bet it will last until the Sun will become a red dwarf.
Embrace Absurdity!
It is like Ben Rumson playing the organ with The Parson in “Paint Your Wagon”.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: April 22, 2015, 7:44 pm
I am already practicing resigning myself to being ruled by Hillary! The Democrats are frantically casting about for someone, anyone, please!? to vote for instead of her, but they have no one.
As for the Republicans, well, even if there were someone, the press will destroy him just out of reflex, no matter how much they hate Hillary! .
They did a magnificent job on Romney – I still have Lib friends who go on about how rich (and therefore bad) he is, but when I ask if he is richer than John Kerry, they just smile and call me a radical conservative.
I can say that if we have an election between Hillary! and Jeb Bush, I am going to write in Queen Elizabeth.
Comment from mojo
Time: April 22, 2015, 10:29 pm
Ming the Merciless is my choice!
Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: April 22, 2015, 11:11 pm
This cartoon reminds of the following exchange.
In the 1940s, American science was enriched by an amazing wave of Hungarian emigrés: von Neumann, Teller, Wigner, von Karmann, Szilard, and others. Someone joked to Teller that it seemed implausible that a small, not-especially-advanced central European country could spawn so much genius: the “Hungarians” were really Martian infiltrators.
Teller responded (with a hard stare): “Has von Karmann been talking again?”
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