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It’s Tuesday! It’s Tuesday! Said nobody, ever.

Poor Tuesday. It really is like the middle child in the Days of the Week family. There aren’t even any jokes about it.

I really do have a banjo named Lucy. It’s a sweet little Bay State banjo (yeah, they made banjos in Boston in them days).

Of course, I have ten other banjos, as well. I didn’t name the others, except that one I showed you. The one I call the Lurve Banjo.

Incidentally, I have cleaned that one up and put it back together again and it’s a fun little banjo. Getting some fret buzz because there’s a split in the head and the bridge is riding too low (and because the frets aren’t proper instrument frets but square bits of wire). I’ll have to order a goatskin for it.

It seems like a goatskin kind of ‘jo to me.







Comment from Ric Fan
Time: May 3, 2016, 6:13 pm

Tuesday is the day I win MegaMillions. So, Tuesday is all right with me. 🙂

Comment from Skandia Recluse
Time: May 3, 2016, 9:38 pm

I love a good up tempo banjo tune.
Have several in the iTunes library.
Make me wanna dance.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: May 3, 2016, 10:26 pm

I’ve been listening to “Ashokan Farewell” on the banjo, a sweet melancholy beauty. A good song for a Tuesday.

Comment from Armybrat
Time: May 3, 2016, 11:05 pm

I only work 4 days/week and have every Wed off. I refer to Tues as “first Friday.” I have the BEST work schedule with 2 Fridays every week! So lowly Tues is one of my favorite days!

Comment from Bob B
Time: May 4, 2016, 1:02 am

So, does Lucy the Banjo know about Banjo Lubricant?
(That’s as far as I’m going with this one, but I did just notice that Google has REALLY cleaned up the results for that one.)

Comment from Bob B
Time: May 4, 2016, 1:15 am

Well, Google hasn’t cleaned up the image search results for the related product “banjo salve’ (yet). I hope all of you are adults.

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: May 4, 2016, 2:39 am

Ms. Weasel: did you celebrate last Friday? Because K-Tel founder Philip Kives died at the age of 87. This is a man who “by the time he was 8… was catching weasels and selling their fur.”

Talk about a Bad Seed! The demise of such an enemy of mustelids ought to be an occasion for joy.

Comment from BJM
Time: May 4, 2016, 2:51 am

I have only one thing to say this particular Tuesday: buy corn futures, cuz we’re gonna need a shit ton of popcorn.

The circus done come to town.

Comment from Ric Fan
Time: May 4, 2016, 1:43 pm

What’s the deal with Leicester and some soccer team? People keep going on and on about it but I cant make heads or tails of it.

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