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Sick chick


No, it’s not bird flu. Symptoms don’t match. That was the first thing I checked.

Violence is an unhappy bird, though. She’s all miserable and lethargic and fluffed up. I looked it up and it could literally be hundreds of different things, but I started her right away on a wormer (they’re all due) and a tonic and scrambled her an egg (I know it sounds wrong, and it’s probably illegal here these days, but it’s the first thing anyone does with a sick chook). She’s currently in Chicken Hospital (a dog crate in the corner of the room).

She’s been sick for a couple of days and I do believe she’s perking up a bit. Might be the wormer starting to work. But today she’s started flicking her head, and that’s another clue. It might be lice or mites of some kind. So when I’ve posted this, I’ll pop a sleepy chick on top of the box and have a good look with the flashlight. At her vent, which is where they congregate. Joy! And then tomorrow lucky weasel gets to soak a chicken in a bucket of warm water.

If you think it’s undignified for me, imagine how the chicken feels.


Comment from Ric Fan
Time: March 14, 2017, 8:31 pm

What’s the bucket of warm water for? To drown the lice/mites? Hope she feels better.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 14, 2017, 8:39 pm

Yes, it kills any bugs that might be lurking. I had a look just now and didn’t see anything, but apparently some of these parasites can be like dust. And they can actually kill chickens.

Chooks don’t like to get wet, but they’ll submit to it. Show chickens are usually washed and blow-dried before a show, and their combs and wattles are greased up with Vaseline. Like little feathery Honey BooBoos.

Comment from Crabby Old Bat
Time: March 14, 2017, 8:39 pm

. . . imagine how the chicken feels. Mad as a wet hen, I imagine.

Comment from Ben
Time: March 14, 2017, 9:39 pm

Chicken Attack

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: March 15, 2017, 12:31 am

I shall psychically beam transatlantic healthful poultry vibes from Sarasota. Let me know when they arrive! I hope V recuperates quickly.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: March 15, 2017, 1:40 am

Sounds like a spa day 🙂 Will you give her a blow-dry and style too? Every chick needs pampering now and then.

Comment from AliceH
Time: March 15, 2017, 2:28 am

More diatomaceous (?) earth? I learned of that magical product here, and I’ve been dusting it around the house and garage (spider havens) ever since. I can’t be sure it is working, but I like that I did something that really might help and I *know* doesn’t hurt.

Comment from Veeshir
Time: March 15, 2017, 2:34 am

I figured the hot water was for chicken soup in case one of your other chickens gets sick.

Comment from Niña
Time: March 15, 2017, 4:43 am

Here’s to better health for your pretty girl!

My daughter is getting her dog all vetted up so she can put the dog on an airplane to go live in England…once my daughter gets to go live in England, which is even more fraught and expensive. Pets are expensive, even chickens born and bred in southern England!

Comment from Ric Fan
Time: March 15, 2017, 8:28 am

I often wonder about flying animals. I think it is dangerous to put them in cargo and I dont know about flying in the cabin. A lot of people get away with it because they claim Sparky is a therapy pet, but how does the dog not relieve itself or not get sick in the plane?

Comment from Ric Fan
Time: March 15, 2017, 11:03 am

Now, I’m worried that it is bird flu. 🙁

Comment from Niña
Time: March 15, 2017, 12:24 pm

I don’t know, RF!

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: March 15, 2017, 1:30 pm

@Ric Fan – When I started reading your post of 8:28 a.m. I had a mental image of pet fruit bats or tame buzzards. I laughed at myself when it dawned on me that’s not what you meant by “flying animals.”

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: March 15, 2017, 1:37 pm

I’m not saying Violet is an old school chicken or anything, but I’ll just leave this here:


Comment from Ric Fan
Time: March 15, 2017, 2:07 pm

When I think of futuristic chickens I think of Woody Allen’s Sleeper.

Also, Chicken People – a documentary about chickens and the people who love them, available to watch free:


Uncle Al, never knew that people had pet bats and buzzards. I have nothing against them but I will pass.

Comment from Drew458
Time: March 16, 2017, 2:20 pm

And how is your feathered patient today?

A couple links that might entertain her. And us.

Takeo Ischi, world’s greatest chicken yodeler.

Takeo again, sensei of the mighty chicken ninjas. Chicken attack!!

Comment from Brain Dean
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Comment from Brain Dean
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Comment from Delhi Girls
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Comment from Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Time: June 8, 2017, 6:36 am

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Comment from Can’t Hark My Cry
Time: June 4, 2018, 12:50 pm

Goodnes, gracious! You do get the most fascinating spam! 😉

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: June 4, 2018, 8:58 pm

Ugh. Thanks for the pointer, Can’t Hark. Certain old posts attract spams by the dozen (I assume that means they’re all from the same source). If I don’t notice, they prevail.

It’s like a telemarketer humping your leg.

Comment from CantHarkMyCry
Time: June 4, 2018, 11:49 pm

Aw, gee, you took down the one with the!Girls! links 🙁 I hadn’t even noticed the series starting with the redoubled praise of your cool bolg. . .
Yeah I like to visit the spam-haunted posts–there’s a certain surreal quality about them. . .

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