Chook update
No, no…these are not new baby chooks. This is the trio from last year, who are now all growed up and doing well. It occurred to me I hadn’t given you an update in a while.
The two millies are fat and happy and each lay an egg every day like little champs. The lavender has gone broody and sits on the nest sulking.
These are by far the most neurotic chickens I’ve had. They haven’t warmed to me at all. Usually, a chicken — by virtue of natural gluttony — will ultimately come to love you, because you represent FOOD. These girls? Scream and run away from corn if you throw it at them.
Run away. From corn.
They’re greedy enough. They come back and eat it eventually. They’re just super, super spooky and neurotic.
And old Mapp is doing fine. She’s seven this year, which is a damn good run for a bantam. And, yes, she’s gone broody this year as she does every year. Poop out three eggs and then go broody. Useless old bird. She and Colette sit on the nest together and scream at the other chickens.
I’ve made her a promise: if she makes it through another Winter, I’ll give her some fertile eggs to sit on. Motherhood would serve her right.
Right! Tomorrow, 6WBT, Dead Pool Round 99! Be here or I’ll give you some fertile eggs to sit on.
Posted: August 10th, 2017 under animals, birds, personal.
Comments: 3
Comment from .
Time: August 10, 2017, 11:01 pm
But I do not sit on eggs!
I spray them with high pressure reproductive nozzle!
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 10, 2017, 11:20 pm
Yes, Ma’am, I’ll be here! And as for fertile eggs, I’ll give that a try anyway. Please make mine Scarlet Macaw.
Comment from Malcolm Kirkpatrick
Time: August 12, 2017, 5:22 pm
I have an enormous cock. It comes into the yard and begs dry cat food. The dogs and cats mostly ignore it, except Ellie, the heeler (looks like a 1/2 size Border Collie), who likes cat food and will push the rooster off his dole.
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