The things I shop for
I’ve had a frustrating week on eBay. I found someone with a collection of old pigments (from Cornelissen, no less!), exactly what I’m looking for, but he won’t put them in the mail because “Royal Mail is awfully strict about powders these days.”
Same for a courier. Sad. I’m hoping he goes away and thinks about it and greed outweighs fear.
So now I’m shopping for replica wax seals. The seals monarchs put on documents were sometimes the size of dinner plates. We have one or two in the collection at work.
You can buy museum-quality casts for not much. This is a small one of Liz the Oneth. Quite reasonable.
I guess the idea is that we buy some replica seals and I make casts of the casts, so kids can handle them.
Yeah, no. I’m not bigtime into kids, but if you want that sweet, sweet grant money…
Posted: January 17th, 2018 under personal.
Comments: 9
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: January 17, 2018, 10:17 pm
Oh, have the seller send those powders to me. I’ll send them on to you. You’ll have to trust me with an address but how long have you known me, now? 8, 9 years? AND I’m a cementer at and previously, before they went insane, HotAir. Those are good references!
Let me know and I’ll email you my address…
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: January 17, 2018, 11:39 pm
I have seen seals in what look like small tin film reel containers. I dont know if that is the cast or if they are there to protect the seal which doesnt really seal anything but are on cords.
Comment from Niña
Time: January 18, 2018, 12:33 am
I paid my way through college making molds and casts of fossils, I’ll bet I could do these!
That was a long time ago, though.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 18, 2018, 12:54 pm
@Niña – I just had a brilliant idea. Stoatie wants that sweet, sweet grant money but isn’t bigtime into kids. Perhaps you could make kid molds and then cast plaster kids to handle her cast seals. See, I told you it was brilliant! (-:
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: January 18, 2018, 5:33 pm
Uncle Al –
You should have prefaced that with –
“I have a cunning plan my lord!”
If I may, perhaps she could use garden gnomes?
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: January 18, 2018, 6:47 pm
Can’t you see her towing a troop of garden gnomes on little carts behind her bike?
Taking them to work so they can be photographed handling the seals?
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: January 18, 2018, 7:33 pm
Ooo…I’d love to pick your brain some time, Niña. I haven’t any casting since art school.
If I were to want to make a re-usable mold of one of these (usually resin) replicas, my instinct would be to put a layer of moulage on the replica (to capture the detail), stiffened by a thicker layer of plaster. Then I guess I could go back in for the final cast with resin…?
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: January 18, 2018, 7:37 pm
Kids. I get it. I’ve had a LOT of interaction with kids. Owned a bike shop—you’d never believe all the places boys will stash their money (not in a wallet). Boy Scouts—Husband was a Scoutmaster for 10 years, which made me default Scout Mom to all of them. Newspaper photographer—I was in schools every week. Military museum—I was the chief volunteer for several years. But here’s the good part: there was always—at least—one kid who made it all worthwhile. One kid who asked the right question, who made the connection, who thanked me (sincerely) for my time and effort. One kid who asked how he or she could help me. One kid who gave me hope for the future 🙂 And one was enough.
Comment from Niña
Time: January 18, 2018, 8:22 pm
I made my molds out of silastic, which takes time but produces a mold that provides exquisite detail and lasts a long time if carefully handled. Expensive, and there are numerous other silicone products that work, too. It’s not a cheap proposition to do a long lasting job, but once you get the non-consumables (plasticine, dental tools, etc.), the consumables (silicone, dental plaster, acrylic paints, etc.) go a long way.
If you only need a mold that is used once, different rules apply. 😜
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