Last call
We did our last shop at Aldi for a while today. Mask order starts Friday. I didn’t think they were going to make staff wear masks, but the man at the checkout was wearing one and said they’ll be mandatory for everyone. First time an Aldi cashier has ever been surly with me.
I estimate 10-15% were already wearing masks – not many more than usual. I hope that means most people are not fundamentally on board with this, but perhaps it means the scaredy people are staying home until masks are worn.
It’ll be interesting to see which is the larger: people who stay home because no masks or people who stay home because masks.
I’ve already begun switching back to online shopping with a double booze order.
My finger slipped. I swear.
Posted: July 21st, 2020 under plague.
Comments: 4
Comment from Jasonius
Time: July 21, 2020, 11:53 pm
Good idea that. Much more believable than “Oops, I accidentally put another case of beer/bottle of hooch in the cart.”
Silver linings.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: July 22, 2020, 1:12 am
Two local stores inaugurated mandatory mask obedience today. I shopped at both of them. I did not wear a mask. There was no one at the door to check so I walked right in. All employees were masked obediently and a majority of customers were as well, but by no means all. No one batted an eye, nor commented, much less objected. The only presumed mask-related communications were a few slight nods and minimalist grins exchanged between us the unmasked. Utterly (pun intended) non-verbal.
This experience has given me hope!
Comment from lauraw
Time: July 23, 2020, 12:18 pm
Wait, so this masking thing has only just gotten started in jolly ol’ England?
All us good little Connecticutians have lived under a mandatory mask order for months. I get my temperature taken and have to deny symptoms in order to get inside the building at work (granted, I work with geriatric patients).
It’s going to be hilarious in January when we look back and find that the death rate has remained unchanged in 2020.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: July 23, 2020, 8:05 pm
Hey, lauraw, good to see you! Death rate is actually down over last year here. Less person-to-person contact and fewer road accidents, at a guess. Though eventually there will be a toll from all the people with non-covid illnesses who aren’t getting proper treatment, and that’s a lot.
Masks have been optional here and only a few have worn them. I’ll be very interested to see how much of a fuss gets kicked up.
There’s a real social divide here between people who love, love, LOVE nannying other people, and the ‘fuck off and leave me alone’ people.
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