I’ve had a fetish for the rooftops of London since I made my poor mother take me to Mary Poppins, like, five freaking times. So I’m having great fun free-running the rooftops in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. Victorian London. Nice.
The game is five years old now (I’m that cheap, yes), so the facial animations aren’t up to the current standard. But the sets – they have that nailed. Go on – click for the big color version. It’s purty.
I don’t usually play the female character, when there’s an option. The computer game fiction that a five-foot-nothin’ girly-girl can coldcock a giant hairy thug just using her adorable little fists…I mean, c’mon. Flying monsters? No problem. Magic spells? Fine. But enough is too much.
But Evie has a pointy stick. And a bitching wardrobe.
Only, it creeps me out how much she looks and sounds like someone I know.
Not talking about Twitter. That place is weird.
Posted: November 18th, 2020 under games, personal.
Comments: 4
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 18, 2020, 10:42 pm
You know an Assassin? Who can leap off tall buildings into a pile of straw and walk away without a back brace or neck brace and crutches?
How much does she charge for, uh, jumping around off buildings?
Comment from PatAZ
Time: November 18, 2020, 11:03 pm
I don’t play games but I immediately thought that was the entitled Sussex woman. Megan or however it’s spelled.
Comment from drew458
Time: November 19, 2020, 2:56 am
When there’s hardly no day
Nor hardly no night
There’s things half in shadow
And halfway in light
On the rooftops of London
Coo, what a sight
It’s a nice picture, but they didn’t draw St. Paul’s properly.
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