I forgot how sticky the CCTV is for my eyeballs. Clockwise from the upper left:
1. The window over the kitchen sink, so I can see who’s coming in and stealing catfood in the middle of the night. No luck yet.
2. My white trash chicken empire. Yeah, it looks bad. Most of those ratty old enclosures will go when my flock is whittled down.
3. The front. Needs a strim. Kitty!
4. The Bin. The bin-raiding villain hasn’t been back for two days. I think I’m not leaving enough chicken food in for bait, but dammit I hate wasting the stuff. I left a bag out tonight.
And yes, I’ve seen Gigi, the wannabe mama. Saw her this morning. I leave food for her outside the ‘ole – which disappears, but our garden is mobbed with little birds (not to mention mice, etc.), so I can’t be sure it’s her eating it.
Posted: June 24th, 2021 under personal.
Comments: 7
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: June 24, 2021, 8:49 pm
Too bad you’re not webcasting this for our amusement…
Not that I’m amused by “As The Bidet Turns” but my outrage meter has been pegged enough, every day, by a demented old man with delusions of power and a snotty attitude compounded by an inappropriate rictus grin and offhand remarks to nine year-old girls. I never thought, in a million years, that the sight of my president would make me want to vomit.
Comment from EA
Time: June 24, 2021, 11:50 pm
If it makes you feel any better, you are not alone. Why are his eyes black sometimes? Is he sharing his son’s stash? Are they shooting him up with horse tranquilizers? And yet, I bet the “ho” will be worse than Joe
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: June 25, 2021, 11:19 am
Come on guys, Old Joe is good in that he’s either too stupid or too far gone to realize that he’s telling us what he really thinks when he speaks before they can stop him.
He used to do it all the time as VP and Big Ears would have to keep him out of the limelight for a couple weeks or months so people wouldn’t keep talking about his latest inadvertent truth blurt.
They can’t do that now because Harris is almost bright enough to manage breathing on her own, and Peehockey can only “circle back” on questions for so long without real appearances by the guy they pretend is running things. Joe can’t disappear for a couple weeks or months any more now.
I’m surprised he hasn’t threatened to take us all out behind the gym and gives us a good whuppin like he used to do in the old days. Dementia riddled hair sniffing child touching weirdo bully that he is.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: June 25, 2021, 12:29 pm
Oh I can see how you would spend a lot of time watching the cameras. When we lived on Galveston Bay, we had a webcam and my familly loved the view of the ship channel. I’ve wasted a LOT of time watching webcams all over the world. Especially Pete’s Pond in Botswana 🙂 before it went away.
There’s your egg skelter; I need to buy one for my sister and her family. A painting of your egg-loaded egg skelter would be amazing. All those subtle colors, and the light and shadow on the eggs.
Do you save egg shells and vegetable scraps for the compost pile? I like to pre-rot my veggies in the refrigerator’s vegetable bin first!
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: June 25, 2021, 1:06 pm
Live look at the Nagoya Station in Japan… 24 hours of webcasting and it has sound!
This must be a computer-controlled environment.
Comment from BJM
Time: June 25, 2021, 3:23 pm
Kitty? That is one humongous kitty…I thought it was Br’er Fox.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: June 25, 2021, 7:02 pm
I have two compost bins and I fill them entirely with chicken poop. No room for egg shells.
Welly is actually a little kitty. Must be a trick of scale.
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