Happy National Black Cat Day! Tempted to call it International Black Cat Day, because it also is in the US. Well, that makes two of us.
Charities in both places have told me that they have a hard time adopting out black cats, presumably because of superstition. I doubt that because I’ve repeatedly gone looking for a black cat to adopt with no luck.
The Cat Goddess is fickle and cruel, because of course she is.
Cats Protection (the first link) say it takes on average seven days longer to rehome a black or black-and-white cat. Well. I think the black-and-whites are because there are so gosh darn many of them. I don’t remember so many around when I was a kid. Also, they usually have messy paint jobs.
I wanted a jet black cat because they’re just, like, a cat silhouette with eyes, like this guy. Not specifically because of this guy, though the illustrator (Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen) was a famous drawer of cats and a favorite.
Dover (who else?) published a two volume set of Steinlen Cats that I loved growing up. I can’t find my copies since I moved.
Oh, but hey – look at that. I can buy a Kindle edition.
Weird choice for an art book.
Posted: October 27th, 2021 under animals, cats.
Comments: 9
Comment from Pupster
Time: October 27, 2021, 9:23 pm
My first kitty was black with a white spot under his chin.
He was rambunctious.
Comment from Armybrat
Time: October 27, 2021, 11:48 pm
I have only ever had orange female cats. 2 of them. I have a friend that rescues black cats. She currently has 4 of them. They are very different from my orange girls. The black cats are very cat…aloof, territorial and, frankly, shitty dispositions. Not at all like my orange girls.
Have you ever seen the old animated movie with Robert Goulet “Gay Puree”? That’s how I see black cats.
Comment from Anonymous
Time: October 27, 2021, 11:52 pm
Not a BLACK cat, per se… but who can resist the opportunity to post this?
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: October 28, 2021, 3:18 am
You can blame me and Mrs. Al for some of the skewed color adoption numbers because about two months ago we adopted/rescued two kittens: one black-and-white, one all black.
We’ve named the all black girl Dixie. That name will stick. The BW girl started out as Raygun (pronounced Reagan), but that name doesn’t seem to work even though we like it. At the moment I refer to BW as The Cat Formerly Known As Raygun but that doesn’t quite roll off the tongue easily.
Any suggestions? She’s sort of black on top and white underneath with a white blaze between her eyes.
p.s. Oops. I just realized that “The Cat Formerly Known As Raygun” might be shortened to “The Cat FKAR” — pronunciation NSFW!
Comment from Mitchell
Time: October 28, 2021, 3:31 am
We have a big, fat, lazy calico gal. I love her but unfortunately we have to get rid of her. She bites. Usually just nips but she gave an absolutely vicious bite on my father’s wrist, which got very infected and it blew up like a balloon. It’s not the first time she’s hurt him. But it will have to be the last.
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: October 28, 2021, 10:03 am
@Uncle Al
Any “tuxedo” name should work.
Tuxedo shortened to “Tuxey” or “Tuxie” is charming.
“Tuxedo Junction” or “Junkie” has its own theme…
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: October 28, 2021, 3:26 pm
The family cat growing up was named Blackie.
Original right?
Yes, all black. We weren’t superstitious enough I guess.
I think we’re both mentally debating adding a kitten to the, now, 4 dog pack.
Just to keep the little twerps in line you know.
Comment from blake
Time: October 30, 2021, 5:38 pm
I had a jet black cat (male) my son named “Ginger”. He thought it was a girl and that was the only girl name he could think of.
Cool cat, though. He’d sit on my shoulder (or sleep around my neck) when I worked. Not great for posture but, meh.
At first glance, you might have thought he was a bat.
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