With a name like that, what did they expect…?
We have workmen in doing workman stuff in the office this week. One of them told me he went to a coffee shop in London called Fuckoffee. Hipster place.
I thought that was funny, so I looked it up. First hit I got was this article slamming this sign outside: “THIS IS THE LONGEST SOMETHING MADE IN CHINA HAS EVER LASTED.” Re: the bug, naturally.
I’m not sure what they were angrier about, being blamed for the virus or the insult to the quality of their goods, but they big mad.
To be fair, it’s an East Asian advocacy group. East Asians want so desperately badly to be picked-upon POCs.
The article is from April; I hope they didn’t cave and take down the sign.
Posted: November 9th, 2021 under personal.
Comments: 6
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 9, 2021, 10:57 pm
It’s clear by now that some people get up in the morning looking to find a way to be offended so they can take up that cross and be offended until the next imagined slight.
Comment from Anonymous
Time: November 9, 2021, 11:32 pm
They sell “Vegan water”. WTH?
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 10, 2021, 1:35 pm
“Water” made by certified Vegans (FDA Approved),triple filtered in NASA tested micron filtering systems, bottled by Macadamian virgins, and shipped transatlantic on wind powered vessels. Then delivered in 48 bottle lots by bicycle courier between the hours of 9:00 and 16:40 so the bicycle messengers can spend dinner with their significant others and their children.
Guaranteed to be carbon neutral (except for the carbon used in the filtration process and the carbon in the humans involved in manufacturing and distribution all of which requires some replenishment).
Also, non-GMO, free range, gluten free, caffeine free, vaccine certified, bottled in reusable unbreakable glass containers in 8, 12, or family sized 32 ounce sizes.
No animals were harmed in the making of this product unless you consider the psychological damage caused by all the fear pron on the labels.
Oh, $3.00 deposit fee on each bottle.
Comment from cantharkmycry
Time: November 10, 2021, 8:16 pm
Anonymous: Maybe it’s something to do with which kind of microbes it has? You know, the flora ones, not the fauna ones?
Comment from Anonymous
Time: November 10, 2021, 10:47 pm
You can’t tell from Weasel’s black and white photo, but those are rainbow banners hanging below the shop name. That, and the shop name, and the disputed sign, and the ‘vegan water’ (not a joke, right?) – and I’m getting some mixed signals from this shop.
Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: November 10, 2021, 10:56 pm
Ah, carp. The anonymous talking about the rainbow banners is me. Just woke up, didn’t put my name in. *yawn*
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