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Happy Bird Day!

Lookee what we’re getting for Thanksgiving weekend – a named storm. Actually, it doesn’t look too bad. Wind and cold, and not even much wind by our local standards. It be windy here. But I rolled my eyes we’re naming storms after Tolkien characters now.

I am NOT looking forward to Tropical Storm Shelob.

Just finishing the T’day prep – we have it as an evening meal. It’s just us.

We have a neighbor who grew up in the States and used to try to do a group Thanksgiving do some years, but it looks like covid has put a stop to that.

Thank goodness. She prays at the alter of Betty Crocker.

Hope yours is everything you want in a feast of excess! I’m grateful for you all!


Comment from OldFert
Time: November 25, 2021, 6:11 pm

We’ll enjoy our Thanksgiving supper later, also. Just Mrs Fert and me at the homestead now, so it’s pretty low-key. No actual turkey, just a turkey lump from the freezer section. Will be stuffing, smashed potatoes and such. And pie. Oh, yes, pie.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and Uncle Badger. And Happy Thanksgiving to all other commenters, current and from years gone by.

Comment from Anonymous
Time: November 25, 2021, 6:41 pm

@Stoaty…just image crossing the Channel in a knarr, hulc or a cog in a tropical storm.

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: November 25, 2021, 9:58 pm

Happy Thanksgiving SWeasy and the Gang!

Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: November 25, 2021, 11:56 pm

Happy Thanksgiving, rebel colonials. Post-turkey time here and, wonders to behold, a cheap supermarket frozen turkey crown (usually anathema to fussy badgers) turned out really well. I wish I knew why. If it were guaranteed repeatable I’d save a fortune at Christmas.

Hope everyone is warm and safe and well.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 26, 2021, 11:37 am

We had just 2 Durnedsons over for turkey and such.
It was one of the most relaxed Thanksgivings ever.
Overstuffing self was avoided as was the traditional follow on napping of the male parental unit.

A very nice day, so your hope powers have grown m’lud Badger!

Comment from technochitlin
Time: November 26, 2021, 1:59 pm

The Chitlins had a nice quiet day at home- much better than the family affairs we have attended in previous years. Can’t beat Turkey Day on the Gulf Coast…

Comment from Armybrat
Time: November 26, 2021, 3:47 pm

Happy belated Thanksgiving! It was hubby and myself and a few friends frying a turkey, eating much and drinking some. We were all done, cleaned and snoring by 8:30. It was a glorious 73 and sunny here… and that is why I moved to sunny south FL.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: November 26, 2021, 8:25 pm

Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving! We certainly did. We cooked way too much of way too many things, but it was a fun day.

She prays at the alter of Betty Crocker.

This triggered PTSD for me. Once years ago, when we were young and far, far from any family, we visited some friends for Thanksgiving dinner. It turned out that our hostess was of that particular generation of American Women who were led by the advertising of the day to believe that modern -scientific and commercial- methods of factory production could (and would!) deliver foods much more sophisticated in their seasoning and saucing than any mere home cook could. All the modern hostess need do was to add water, thaw, microwave, or stir as per the directions on the package and even the famous Chefs of Europe would be awed by the results obtained.

So, she served Swanson’s frozen turkey breast (pre-sliced for your convenience!), instant mashed potatoes, Bird’s Eye frozen vegetable mix with the sauce right in the microwavable pouch, Stove Top ®️ Stuffing, pre-packed salad (already washed!), and goodness knows (well, not ‘goodness’ exactly) what all else, and we washed it all down with diet Pepsi, followed by icy cold pumpkin pie which was icy cold because her husband realized too late that she had left it in the freezer intending to microwave it just before serving it – which he had to forbid because of the disposable aluminum pie pan.

To be perfectly fair, I don’t think Betty Crocker was involved in this in any way; doesn’t she generally at least demand one crack an egg and turn on the oven? Certainly neither of those things happened that day.


It took several years of serious homecookin’ to get that out of my tastebuds and suppress the memory… and now, like Freddy Kruger, …. it’s back. Maybe an open-face turkey and stuffing hot sandwich with a touch of cranberry relish and gravy will repress it again. I am about to try that very remedy, and wish the same for all of you!

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 27, 2021, 2:12 am

We had little breakfast leftover dinner rolls stuffed with turkey, dressing mashed potato, gravy and carrots.

Well I did anyway, and it was wonderful.

And we’ve had leftovers for every meal since, interspersed with deserts.

Right now we’re gathered around the table celebrating the success of the new Omicron variant that will send the world back into lockdown just in time for Christmas!

Supply chain and gas problems solved! Let’s go Brandon.

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