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That’s not how I pictured him at all

This is Steve Ibsen, creator of the Kitty Cat Dance. You remember the Kitty Cat Dance, don’t you? Somehow, I thought this guy would look…gayer.

Well, here he is telling the story. He created it in 2004 when he was 17 and a poor student and it astonished him when it went viral. Then a stranger claimed it on YouTube and monetized it. Eventually, Ibsen convinced YT he was the real creator, but he never got the money he believes it had generated.

Not really worth a watch. Another person goes viral and is astonished when that has no real world meaning at all.

But wait – he’s auctioning off the Kitty Cat Dance as an NFT. I still can’t get my head around NFTs. It’s like buying your own suit of the Emperor’s New Clothes. Though in Ibsen’s case, he’s actually selling the original hard drive with his working files on, so at least you’re getting something tangible.

You’re welcome for the earworm. Have a good weekend!


Comment from durnedyankee
Time: December 3, 2021, 8:58 pm

NFT – No Fword thanks.

We’ve lost it, too much ‘money’ handy when we’re spending it on literally intangible items.

Back in the olden days, when the Biz Ed and Accounting profs taught us about blue chip stocks, and things that mostly had some value intrinsic to the piece of paper, allegedly at least, we were also told about “intangible” assets, like customer good will or the “value” of your product trademark.

Now people buy stuff that doesn’t really exist except in bits and bytes, with money that doesn’t exist except in bits and bytes, and we’re all good with it. And there’s no parents to say “Have you lost your mind? What were you thinking!”

Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: December 3, 2021, 11:35 pm

Have to agree, durnedyankee. I remember the mantra that the brand was everything. Then along came a generation of business idiots and down the tubes went names like Compaq. Why? Who knows? Must have made some short term money for them but they destroyed intrinsic value in the process.

Comment from Armybrat
Time: December 4, 2021, 1:38 am

“ Somehow, I thought this guy would look…gayer.”

He has a man bun

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: December 4, 2021, 3:22 pm

Now if he had his head shaved back like a samurai that man bun would be okay, apart from being cultural appropriation of course.

Comment from dissent555
Time: December 6, 2021, 3:32 am

Bob Dole has passed on

Comment from AliceH
Time: December 6, 2021, 9:54 pm

I have no idea what any of that means yet I somehow do not feel the lesser for it.

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