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The village geese

Sorry I’m late. We ran into traffic.

Psych! I’m late because I fell asleep in my chair. But we were delayed getting home today because of this flock of village geese. They apparently round out their day having a drink and a splash out of the potholes in this access road.

By the time we got back, my daytime free-ranging cockerel was snoozing in a tree and had to be plucked to safety. He’s even dumber when he’s sleepy.

Tomorrow! 6 WBT! Dead Pool Round 147!

Be here or be at home soaking your cranky chicken in a bucket of warm soapy water!


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: December 10, 2021, 1:49 am

Quiet night. Everybody usually here must be out celebrating Jussie “Not a Hoax!” Smollett’s five guilty verdicts (he got off on #6).

Everybody ELSE must be out disturbing the peace in solidarity with ol’ Jussie, who’s probably at home soaking his chicken’s █████ in a leftover bucket of unknown chemical.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: December 10, 2021, 3:24 am

Sure, mock those geese, you do that until they save your Capitoline, uh, village, from rampaging Gauls.

Why Bob Dole oh lord, why not flummox us by taking Hillary and Georgi Soros too so we have to go into a sudden death overtime pool.

Comment from steve
Time: December 10, 2021, 7:16 pm

I may soak a cranky chicken, but anybody tryi g to jam an oily finger up the old egg vent…..

Well, they’ll just wish they hadn’t tried.

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<< carry me back to ol' virginny