Our tree is always cat-heavy
It also features mice, the occasional chicken and a cow. Our tree is not tasteful.
Yay, we decorated this weekend! We splashed out a few extra pounds for a blue spruce, which smelled wonderful when we got it home. Not so strong now. Our quest for a smelly tree continues.
It’s purty, though.
Also, Uncle B went a little nuts with battery and solar powered lights out front, in protest of how dark and dour our neighbourhood is this year.
The celebrations won’t really begin until next week, but we thought we’d get a jump on the decorations.
p.s. I had this thought. What if trees aren’t smelly any more because we use cool LED lights and not those dangerous hot old bulbs?
Posted: December 13th, 2021 under holidays.
Comments: 10
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: December 13, 2021, 9:58 pm
Here is my 2021 favorite tacky / tasteless / hilarious Christmas tree ornament.
I hadn’t realized that “trees aren’t smelly any more”, Stoaty. If the phenomenon is wide-spread, I’m sure Amazon will be selling spray cans of Christmas Tree Scent in less than a week.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: December 13, 2021, 10:29 pm
Your only alternative is to go out every day and chop down a new one. Trees cause global warming or something, it’s very sciency, but you’ll be helping save the world for, uh, whatever follows us after we’ve degendered, frozen and starved ourselves out of existence to “save” the planet for, uh, whatever.o
Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: December 13, 2021, 10:37 pm
Buy some pine-scented Lysol. That should solve your ‘smells’ problem.
Comment from BJM
Time: December 14, 2021, 5:33 pm
@Al…they already got ’em; sprays, hanging doo-dads, etc, Spruce is the most scented species and I think the prettiest.
To me, the smell of Christmas comes from the kitchen as the wimmen folk went into overdrive about this time of Dec. producing candy, fudge, cookies, little mincemeat pies, and Stollen to exchange with the stream of friends & neighbors that found their way to Gran’s door.
I’m not a fan of the designer-style trees either, although a friend creates beautiful “tree-scapes”. We Oooo and Aw…but truth be told it’s a little souless. We got all manner of stuff on our tree, some from Gran’s boxes of stuff. For some reason I made a clay wreath at school…it looks like a piece of poorly painted mud…but she treasured it.
I miss tinsel…we spent hours hanging it just right, only to have the cat rearrange it into clumps overnight.
Hell, I’m so old that a naval orange and Brazil nuts were highly anticipated stocking stuffers. Did anyone else get those little net bags of chocolate coins wrapped in gold tinfoil?
Comment from Anonymous
Time: December 14, 2021, 5:44 pm
Tangerines and walnuts were always Christmas for us. And, yes, chocolate coins.
We gave up on tinsel years ago.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: December 14, 2021, 6:07 pm
@BJM – “Hanukkah geld”, one of my Jewish friends informed me, are the little gold chocolate coins.
Yes, these, a bigass Navel orange, a honking big Red Delicious apple. I liked Filberts better than the Brazil nuts.
Those were stocking stuffers, to keep us in our room until the appointed hour which was always zero dark thirty.
And random stray bits of tinsel would appear months later in unusual places, along with the plastic straw from Easter Egg baskets.
Comment from BJM
Time: December 14, 2021, 6:34 pm
@Durned..I’d forgotten about those huge red Delicious apples!! This week at the supermarket there were so many new apple varieties that they only had a couple of standards and no Granny Smiths for pie!! Fer Peets sake who the hell doesn’t order tart pie apples during the holidays? Sheesh.
We were allowed to open one gift Christmas Eve, selected for us…usually sock slippers…the anticipated gifts awaited Christmas morning.
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: December 14, 2021, 8:11 pm
Santa brought Her Stoatliness a net of those very same chocolate coins, last Christmas, BJM. They remain uneaten.
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: December 14, 2021, 8:14 pm
Oh, and my contribution to the ‘these kids today…’ theme is that our supermarkets now seem to have abandoned chestnuts and are fast approaching the point where the only nuts on offer are pre-shelled (and thus tasteless).
I suppose it’s too much effort for the poor darlings.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: December 15, 2021, 1:56 am
OMG I forgot the aluminium tree and the 4 color cellophane rotating light wheel!
Thanks for that video BJM, as soon as I saw the aluminum tree it all came back, including the grinding whirring sound the light wheel made.
Grnnnnn grnnnnn grnnnnnn clink grnnnnnnnn
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