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The commenter Entropy posted this OT gem in a thread over at Ace’s, and it totally deserves a thread of its own, so here goes. Looks like they’ve registered both CarbonDeductions.com and CarbonCreditKillers.com. Wouldn’t want anyone horning in on the lucrative carbon credit nullifying market, I reckon.

Why We Do It

The reason we sell Carbon Debits is simple – we want to take away the pathetic excuse of Carbon Credits from those liberals who hide their shame filled lives behind money-bought lunacy. Carbon Credits are simply a way for the rich (Al Gore) to continue to hypocritically live lives that look nothing like what they try to enforce on everyone else in society. We want to take away those excuses.

Our goal is to completely wipe out every Carbon Credit ever bought by selling their nullifying opposite – the Carbon Debit. The guilt and shame that caused people to buy Carbon Credits in the first place will be placed back on them as we let them know that their actions caused us to nullify their credits. They are the cause of us killing trees; they need to face up to their guilt.

This message is important for one reason – Far Left Liberals are lunatics that operate solely on shame of themselves, their success, their country, and their wealth. It is time to expose their ideas and self-defeating idiocy – and selling Carbon Debits is the best way to do that.


Oh, man. I’m in.


Comment from Pupster
Time: May 11, 2007, 8:02 am

Eh heh. Eh heh-heh-heh.
*wipes tear*
God Bless America!

Comment from Hikaru
Time: May 11, 2007, 11:18 am

I LOLed. ^_^

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