This is the 14th Century Church of St George in Luková, Czechia. Known as the Ghost Church.
It had an unfeasible number of fires over the years and gained a reputation with the village as haunted. Finally, part of the ceiling fell on a Sunday service in 1968, and everybody decided they’d rather say mass out in the fields, thank you very much.
Naturally, it only deteriorated further after that. When it was completely falling to bits, the locals decided they wouldn’t mind saving it after all, but there was no money.
Then a sculpture student from the University of West Bohemia filled the church with these weird sculptures. Thirty of them. They look like cast plaster to me. It became a tourist attraction, which generated enough money to shore up the fabric of the building. Now the parishioners have come back inside and hold services sitting next to these creepy things.
There. A feelgood story for a Friday afternoon. Or is it?
We woke up under a half inch of snow. Then it was sunny. Then it snew. Repeat every hour until the hailstorm. I think that nonsense is over, but it’s going to be damned cold for a couple more days.
We will burn through £15 worth of solid fuel today.
Good weekend, y’all!
Posted: April 1st, 2022 under art.
Comments: 13
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 1, 2022, 8:08 pm
At least y’all aren’t Making Merry in Sherwood Forest, as Robin and his Men plus several wives, wenches and other colorful characters did many years ago (according to Sir Walter Scott).
OTOH, a cold damn castle in Scotland and it’s occupants, who restored the drafty old place has been bought and sold several times since the old couple left the ice-cold corridors and rooms of Inverquharity Castle, documented in the film, “Keys to the Castle.”
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: April 1, 2022, 11:30 pm
Snew? How very English. 😀
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 2, 2022, 3:37 am
Windy, warm, and humid here. I estimate we used about $3.50 worth of air conditioning juice today and it’s barely April.
We’ve got a haunted/possessed place just up the road a bit. It’s masquerading as the Sarasota County Democratic Party Headquarters. Spooky!
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 2, 2022, 3:37 pm
OK, as long as nobody is looking, I’ll post my receipts:
nerdlegame 73 3/6
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 #nerdle
Wordle 287 3/6
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: April 2, 2022, 5:28 pm
Please don’t freeze Stoaty!
The price and availability of fuel makes me crazy. There’s no reason we can’t supply our needs; we did before the current administration and sold the excess. When Biden suggested that we buy electric cars I nearly lost it. There are hundreds—if not thousands—of homes on the Navajo reservation that don’t have electricity (but we can afford millions of illegals crossing the border).
My truck doesn’t get great gas mileage, but it’s 17 years old with a mere 105K miles on it. I’m not buying another one unless the day comes I can’t hike my leg high enough to load up.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: April 3, 2022, 12:16 pm
Electric vehicles are currently about 1% of the total number of vehicles on the road in the US.
275 million non electrics if I remember right.
And then…there’s the infrastructure needed to plug them in at night to recharge, not to mention the whole business of running out of battery power when you’re NOT at home.
Oh, did I not mention the infrastructure of power plants of some sort to generate the electricity? Did I also forget to mention the miles and miles and miles and miles of new cable strung all over creation to carry the additional loads from the additional power sources (I won’t say plants, because of course the plan is to fill places the elite don’t care about, like West Texas, with miles and miles of solar panels and make it a forest of wind turbines, far far far away from the view they have from their elite homes).
Of course the ‘elite’ think being able to plug in their snazzy car while shopping at Needless Markups is awesome because there happens to be a charger available for them.
Wait till everyone wants it.
Oh, of course, the charge will be free, because after all, businesses are in the business of giving away free electricity to help Gaia, and not in the business of making profits.
And everything just discussed, the panels, the turbines, the new power plants, will instantly pass all the EPA regulation and no one will complain about the environmental impact, and on one will question having a field of wind turbines thrumming and “whumping” all night long near their house out in the sticks (because they won’t be putting them where Al Gore and John Kerry have to look at them…)
Oh, and ALL that infrastructure will be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE! at no cost to the consumers and tax payers!
And then there’s the question of what happens when your snazzy new BMW with the snazzy and impressive “Up To” 348 mile range is needed to take you to someplace 500 miles away .
And quit whining about having to pay $1036 a month over the next 5 years for that electric car because you’re going to save over $50 a month from the extra cost to fill up your car if you are buying gas right now, plus the money you’ll save on not using GAS! OMG! You’re a winner!
well, that’s enough ranting for now isn’t it.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 3, 2022, 3:21 pm
@durnedyankee — Infinite sociopolitical evil-doing merits infinite ranting.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: April 3, 2022, 3:47 pm
Uncle Al – no doubt we’ll be told to eat the cake we make in our Suzy Homemaker Easybake Ovens and “shut up peasant.”
Let’s see you cook that cake with an LED kids, instead of the 100 watt incandescent you had to have.
Oh, riggggghhhhtttt, those toys are Verbotten because they enforce the cis-het gender roles assigned to girls by Patriarchal society intended to repress the inner feelings of transgendered non-binary pansexual other-kin aardvarks.
How I made it to become a successful example of patriarchal cis-het maynhood I’ll never know, I actually made cookies and cupcakes in my one of those ovens!
Rather fascinating cooking with a light bulb no?
Comment from OldFert
Time: April 3, 2022, 4:23 pm
EV range extender:
Wheelchair carrier attached to towing apparatus, use it to carry a gennie and a couple of jerry cans of gas. Let it run while you cruise.
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 3, 2022, 10:10 pm
Interesting… in the wordle game, if you enter a word that is “not in the word list,” the game allows the player to erase the incorrect, unlisted word as if it had never been entered.
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 4, 2022, 4:30 am
How… coincidental!
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 2, 2022, 3:37 am
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 2, 2022, 3:37 pm
Comment from BJM
Time: April 4, 2022, 9:38 pm
Nothing says contentment like watching your money burn. Literally.
@Durned… by age 9 I was already firmly under the Patriarchical cis-het thumb…I was allowed to bake cookies in the real oven…Snickerdoodles were my specialty. Had a pretty ruffled floral apron I sewed myself…oh and a real treat was ironing Gran’s fancy lace hankies, doilies and pillow slips. Gosh, now I realize I was so fooking oppressed.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: April 4, 2022, 9:49 pm
@BJM – I can only laugh at the idea of some twit trying to oppress you.
Do carry on!
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