Go fish
I did not know that Roger Daltry lives in East Sussex. He has a bigass house in Burwash, a place we’ve visited many times on account of Bateman’s, Kipling’s old house, is there. Daltry’s lived there since the early Seventies.
He built four ponds (you can see them in the photo there), stocked them with trout and lets anglers come play.
Sounds fab: “Located near Witherenden Hill, the house is built of brick with stone dressing and has twenty rooms and seven bedrooms. It features a tile roof, clustered chimneys, stone fireplaces, stained glass windows, oak panelling and a gallery seventy feet in length.”
I’m not a huge fan, but I like what he’s done to the place. He’s managed to buy up land to make it a huge estate (420 acres, which is pretty huge for the overcrowded South of England) which he’s covered in cows and scenic attractions. And he’s not even hogging it all to himself.
If’n you’ve ever wanted to go fishing at Roger Daltry’s place…and, why not, I guess…the map is here.
Posted: April 13th, 2022 under personal.
Comments: 5
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 13, 2022, 9:38 pm
I got through the nerdle and wordle in rather snappy fashion…
nerdlegame 84 4/6
Same problem with line 3: I did everything I knew of to logically exclude “bad” numbers and the nerle gods still saw fit to punish me with a “done in four.” BAH!
Wordle 298 3/6
Wordle was a surprising “done in three” as I only meant to exclude some more letters and ended up choosing “the secret woid.” Serendipity.
Comment from Armybrat
Time: April 13, 2022, 11:33 pm
Got nerdle in 4:
nerdlegame 84 4/6
But I chose poorlyβ¦several times and it took me 5 to finish up wordle:
Wordle 298 5/6
Comment from John Bowen
Time: April 13, 2022, 11:46 pm
You weren’t completely thrilled down to your ovaries by “Ride A Rock Horse”? Shocking!
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 14, 2022, 3:27 am
Finally !!!!!
Tonight’s nerdle in three…
nerdlegame 85 3/6
The thing I miss about twitverse is that I cannot harass
@POTUS, and
They suspended me on January 8 last year, knowing that I would be after Lyin’Biden several times a day. Free speech means being able to criticize government!
Comment from Anonymous
Time: April 14, 2022, 4:44 pm
Tommy’s Holiday Camp? Will Keith Moon do an appearance as Uncle Ernie?
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