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Why do they call them bluebells when they’re purple?

What? Oh, I know. It doesn’t make sense in black and white. Here’s the same shot in color.

As I don’t think we have bluebells in the States (I don’t remember them and I grew up in forests), they’re kind of a neat optical illusion. You can look down and see individual flowers, but when you look in the middle distance they meld into a carpet of color. It’s extraordinary, though it doesn’t really translate in photos.

The picture is from the county council newsletter and they don’t identify the location, but I’m willing to bet it’s Hole Park. Family estate with an open garden, famous for bluebells. We went there once. It was amazing, but there were almost more tourists than flowers.

This is the peak bluebell season. I told you this was the best time of year.


Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: April 28, 2022, 11:05 pm

yes, pretty. I love the photo.

Modestly speaking however holds not the wavering flame peaked beeswax cylinder to a field of blooming Texas Bluebonnets!

Which ARE blue.



For those who have never had the pleasure of seeing them, you’re welcome

Comment from Armybrat
Time: April 28, 2022, 11:35 pm

As durnedyankee pointed out, Texas responds with bluebonnets. There is a road in the hill country, around Llano, you crest a rise and are greeted with horizon to horizon bluebonnets. Stunning site. Hubby and I did that obligatory pilgrimage when we lived in Dallas.
My daddy was in Health Services Command, which was HQ in San Antonio. When I was a kid, every other move was back to San Antonio..and there were lots of moves. I remember the fields of bluebonnets all thru central Texas. One of my fondest childhood memories.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: April 29, 2022, 2:34 am

There is a Texas bluebell flower, but it doesn’t look like the English bluebells, or bluebonnets, either. It’s sort of cup shaped then slowly opens more and more until it’s nearly plate-shaped. It’s pretty. The most famous ice cream in Texas is named Blue Bell. But that Blue Bell was a cow, and named after the flower.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: April 29, 2022, 12:44 pm

Bluebells in England are seen by

Weasel in England who knows

Deborah in Texas who knows

Ice Cream in Texas is named after a

Cow named after a

Flower named Bluebell

Six degrees of separation??

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: April 29, 2022, 2:42 pm

JavaMan and I lived in Brenham, Texas for 2 1/2 years, and within walking distance of the Blue Bell Creamery. We didn’t walk over, because we had to cross a busy industrial road. But we drove over frequently because BB sold ice cream by the scoop—baseball sized scoops. It was a great way to try out the new flavors and they always created some flavors just for summer, and the scoops were just $1 each. Sometimes you had to elbow your way to the counter where the pretty teenaged girls were serving the ice cream, because the Blue Bell plant was a popular tour destination for school children from all over the area.

Covid shut down the Blue Bell tours and the Hospitality Room, and the whole town went into mourning. We moved to the panhandle while it was still closed.

P.S. My bad. A tour of the BB website says the creamery was (renamed) after the Blue Bell flower in 1930. I misunderstood about the Cow, who is nevertheless a prominent icon for Blue Bell, and is named Belle.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: April 29, 2022, 5:33 pm

I’m sorry, but blue*bonnets* are purple, too. Sheesh!

*on the other hand, my color teacher in art school said I had no sense of color at all. She wasn’t nasty about it. Almost pitying.

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