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HOW many canada geese?

No, not that many canada geese. THIS many canada geese. And more. That field is about a mile long and it was geese the whole way.

Yeah, I know, these things don’t translate well to snapshots. The original picture was nearly twice this size, but WordPress automatically scaled it down and it doesn’t appear I can stop it from doing that.


ExpressoBold Dissent555 takes the dick with Clu Galager. I barely remember the name, but he was in a thousand programs, so…fair pick. But I deemed it too late to queue up another Dead Pool. I like for y’all to simmer in your own juices for a few days.

I know…everyone wanted Anne Heche, but that’s going to be a tough one. She has already been declared brain dead, but they’re keeping her on life support for her organs. As if.

So, new Dead Pool next Friday and have a great weekend!


Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: August 12, 2022, 7:18 pm

All very mysterious! Source say Anne Heche had information about nuc-u-lear bombs that Trump stole from a secret (bathroom) closet that Hillary Clinton was using to store them in the White House and Trump was going to hand them over to Putin!

Thank God the leaded paste eating adult is in charge now.

Comment from Pablo
Time: August 12, 2022, 7:36 pm

Anne is now for reals dead, and cocaine is still a hell of a drug.


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 12, 2022, 7:57 pm

A. I count 111 geese in the field. Don’t ask me why I spent the time to count them because I’ve been asking myself the same question and keep coming up empty.

B. Why is it called the “goose step” when that’s not the way geese walk?

Comment from steve
Time: August 12, 2022, 8:25 pm

@ Uncle Al:

I think it is less like geese walk like that than it is is that people walk like that while being goosed.

I think.

Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: August 12, 2022, 8:45 pm

Thank you for the Free Dick but I did not win the Celebrity Dead Pool…. dissent555 won it.

I just delivered the news.

RIP Anne Heche even though she destroyed a perfectly good house in Los Angeles, CA in the process… made the thing uninhabitable, she did. This might be one of numerous examples of “going out with a bang“…

Comment from blake
Time: August 12, 2022, 10:24 pm

I think we all like to wallow in our own crapulence.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: August 12, 2022, 10:26 pm

Now we can have a Hollywood media broadcast sadz wake on how awesome she was because she only wiped out a house instead of laying waste to the lives of 6 other people while rocketing through an intersection.

Comment from steve
Time: August 13, 2022, 1:37 am

@ Durnedyankee:

In the words of the late Pat Paulsen, “Pickey, pickey, pickey.”

Comment from dissent555
Time: August 13, 2022, 2:46 am

Dang! I came here tonight to poach on the DP and chew gum.

And I was all outta chewing gum too.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: August 13, 2022, 4:42 pm

Anne Heche was in Amarillo last fall, filming a movie. I wonder if it was her last movie (title: What Remains).

Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: August 14, 2022, 9:02 am

A mixture of cocaine and fetanyl in her bloodstream and a looooong history of alcohol abuse – I don’t think her organs are acceptable for transplant. Maybe in a jar on a bar next to the pickled eggs and pigs feet.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 15, 2022, 6:32 pm

There are some dark conspiracy theories going around about her. I guess her last film was about trafficking and an inordinate number of people who do that die in traffic accidents.

I follow some pretty out-there people, though.

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