We did the tree tonight. And a lovely, smelly tree it is, too.
Our wifi router is definitely going. We’re having to reset it several times a day. Worse, something about it has jiggered the wifi card in my desktop machine – I keep having to restart it to get wifi back even if the modem is working.
In short, my connection is tenuous at the moment. I’m typing this on the little laptop I usually use to read Kindle books. We’ve ordered a new router, but god knows if it’ll get here before Christmas. The Post Office is striking periodically over Christmas (as are the train companies). Including Christmas Eve. Aren’t unions wonderful?
Anyhoo, I may lose comms. If that happens, I can at least check in with my phone and tell you so.
Posted: December 14th, 2022 under personal.
Comments: 2
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: December 14, 2022, 10:00 pm
@Stoaty — I’ve made a habit of keeping a backup router in the spare parts box; a couple of years old model without any special bells, whistles, or belches. I started when I was still employed and working a lot from home: cheap insurance if you will.
Having that spare has also made me Hero of the Day twice when (1) a good friend, and (2) my sister-in-law had tech failures and, naturally, called me for help. In both cases I said, “I’ll be right over!”
Last I checked, you could get a decent router for less than $25.00.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: December 15, 2022, 1:49 pm
Good advice. We probably have our last router in a box somewhere and it probably works fine.
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