The Judgement of a Weasel
Well! Brouhaha and skullduggery!
I call it for HottyTottyGirl. Leaving a placeholder in the rush of the moment and clarifying it later strikes me as within the spirit of the rules. In fact, I would much appreciate you correct a typo in this way, if you make one. I can’t properly search the thread with misspellings.
However, in the case LesterIII’s described, I probably would have judged otherwise. Making a pick and editing it to a completely different pick later is stretching “dirty tricks” too far. Though there would have been no dirty trick shaming, naturally. I assume it wasn’t a winning entry.
I am a little astonished at Uncle Al fighting his case. I owe him dick and have done for an embarrassingly long time. I’m surprised he’s still willing to play with me. Thank you, Uncle Al. May you harbinge another celebrity death soon. (No, harbinge is not a word).
This is not the giant security hole you might think. Comments are only editable by users for four minutes, after which you have to email and ask me to fix any problems. That’s a pretty tiny window for a self-respecting dirty trick.
And so, tomorrow I go back to work. Had a good holiday. Am sad.
Posted: January 2nd, 2023 under blogging.
Comments: 3
Comment from HottyTottyGirl
Time: January 2, 2023, 9:04 pm
Thanks Sweasel for the win and future dick.
I could hide behind I put pope instead of ex-pope and that shields me behind the edit rule and gives me cover to win the Dick. Its all about getting the pick in quickly and being at the top of list. Doesn’t really work after about 30 seconds after the new Deadpool starts.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: January 3, 2023, 12:34 am
We’re all used to this by now.
Uncle Al, file a motion to stay the award with the Supreme Weasel, Mitch McConnell and ask them to hear the case after the proper funds have exchanged hands.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 3, 2023, 2:13 am
Congratulations to @HottyTottyGirl!
Fighting it? Perhaps momentarily, but that quickly turned into a weak fit of quasi-pique, then slid right into a simple desire for a clarification of the rules, specifically #3 versus #4.
And of course you’re totally welcome, Mme. Ermine. Thank YOU for providing this forum and the small but welcome outlet for our tensions and aggressions regarding public figure evil-doers and the famously terminally ill. Or is that the “terminally ill famous”?
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