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Shiny squeezy

LED tweezers, y’all! I don’t know what I’m going to do with them, but I had to have them. At the model railway exhibition, yes.

Changing the subject, the Daily Mail is bigging up food shortages today, particularly fresh vegetables.

‘There was hardly any fresh produce in Tesco. In Morrisons I asked a young staff member what was going on and he said there was nothing in the back stores.

‘It was the same in Aldi and Lidl, it seemed to be affecting all the supermarkets.’

Coincidentally, we did our shop today. Uncle B went by himself into Waitrose for a few special bits and pieces and he said there was plenty of everything. They are, of course, more expensive than the rest. Tomatoes, if you can afford them.

But we went into Aldi afterwards and – hoo boy! – it was thin. I bought the last iceberg lettuce (and a very sad specimen it was, too). There were no tomatoes at all, no sweet peppers, (no eggs, but that’s different). I’ve never seen the veg so empty.

Meat was okay (phew!) and canned goods and all that sort of stuff. Just fresh produce. They’re blaming the weather here and in Spain and North Africa (where a lot of our fresh vegetables come from in Winter).

Oh, well. We’ll be in hobby growers season soon. I can deal with canned tomatoes until then.


Comment from BJM
Time: February 21, 2023, 10:46 pm

We’re so spoiled with out of season produce that’s it the norm. When I wuz a kid we never had fresh tomatoes in the winter. We et Grans canned tomatoes. Greens and storage apples, could usually be had cuz California.

@stoaty…Try cabbage. Serbians love this salad with Ćevapčići. It’s one of our fav salads any time of the year. Thinly sliced white cabbage, rub a large bowl with fresh garlic (if liked) toss in cabbage salt and toss a few times. Let sit 10 minutes top with thinly sliced tomatoes (canned whole ‘maters work fine) drizzle with olive oil and red wine vinegar and lots of fresh ground black pepper.

Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: February 22, 2023, 3:48 am

Tweezers with an LED light? All it needs it an attached magnifier glass and I’d be sold. I found my old magnifier light (a magnifier glass with incorporated AA cells and a small incandescent bulb) recently and did an upgrade – stripped the guts, put in a Li-Po battery and charger, added a IARGB LED, and added a push button. Now it’s rechargeable, so no more AA cells, and I can select different colored light (white, and red, green, blue, purple, orange, cyan, yellow) that sometimes helps trying to see things.

I want to add a second LED, something a bit brighter.

*sigh* I need a magnifier. I hate getting old.

No food shortages here . . . yet. Well, no more than usual. Prices are going through the roof, but you can usually get want you want / need.

Eggs we have. Cheap. About p280 for 30, or about $0.17 each. Plus we have our own chickens and ducks running around the compound, so they provide the occasional egg or even a meal. But if you have to depend on them . . . the fowl population will dwindle quickly.

The coming collapse of the global society is going to be quite a chuckle.

Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: February 22, 2023, 6:49 am

@Tim Carlson

I bet that was a Radio Shack unit… I plan to follow your scheme because the magnifier is quite useful in certain situations!

Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: February 22, 2023, 10:43 am

I just looked at it again, and there’s no markings as to the brand. It has a spot for a decal or medallion, but it’s blank. The plastic is black except for the original on/off button, which is orange. Typical late 20th century gadget design. I probably picked it up at a garage sale back in the day.

I forgot to mention, I had to put a small PCB with a microcontroller on it to run the IARGB and detect the button. If you don’t, no button for on/off or color change. And no color change, because the micro needs to talk to the LED. Some IARGB (older) are off at power up, some (newer) are WHITE at power up. You need the micro for other colors.

Yeah, I hate it – I need help to see all of the small shite I play around with these days (no snickers in the back), plus I might need audio assist, too. Getting old sucks.

Comment from BJM
Time: February 22, 2023, 3:40 pm

I recently replaced our 30 yr old Sharper Image headset with a newer model…we both need a bit more magnification nowadays. The loupe is very handy.

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