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Serenity now!

This is what I bought myself for my birthday. It’s a biofeedback dingus meditation aid. It fits across your forehead reads your brainwaves, heart rate, respiration and stillness.

Yes, somehow it knows when you fidget. I don’t know how it measures that, but I tested it and it does indeed chime at me when I twiddle my fingers.

It does seem to be accurately measuring brain activity, too. Depending on the ‘soundscape’ you choose, it plays – for example – high winds when your brain is active and gentle breezes and bird song when it’s calm. I tried counting backwards from 100 by sevens and nearly caused a tsunami.

There’s a newer model than this one, but it’s fabric and suitable to be worn overnight while you sleep. I didn’t need that and thus was able to get a new old tech version on Ebay for (relatively) cheap.

I need it today. My day started at 5 when the cat bit me and went downhill from there. Good weekend, all!


Comment from Mark Matis
Time: May 12, 2023, 8:30 pm

Well if you are wearing it whilst it plays gentle breezes and bird song and a bird defecates on you, wonder what that does to your brainwaves?

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: May 12, 2023, 8:38 pm

Be sure to wear this while you’re using your new angle grinder! If a blade shatters you could get a Krakatoa eruption of brain activity!

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: May 13, 2023, 2:14 am

Let’s all chip in and send one to Brandon.

There won’t be tsunamis unless young children stroll by or he hears the music from the ice cream truck.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: May 13, 2023, 6:46 pm

Somebody has to ask, even if an answer isn’t actually wanted: What’s that gadget do if worn during foreplay and intercourse? Would that be a Tunguska or a Krakatoa or a Chicxulub? Or some other flavor of TEOTWAWKI?

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