First of the season
I’ve got one tomato (Uncle B ate one of the ones in the picture), a dozen radishes and two onions. Do you think I can make a soup out of that, or would it be intolerably spicy?
This isn’t at all what I was going to post about tonight. I was going to post about getting out of a chair and how I’m finding it increasingly difficult (I know, I know…it comes to us all). I was going to ask if you think it’s waning leg strength, core strength or arm strength.
But in casting around the internet, I’ve discovered “getting out of a chair” YouTubes are a real genre. I’ve been watching people get into and out of chairs all evening. Then I’ve been imitating them getting into and out of chairs.
I won’t say I’ve found the perfect technique, but I’ve learned some interesting tips and given my thigh muscles some exercise. Which has helped. All the methods seem to start by schooching out to the edge of your seat.
And it’s the leg muscles, mostly.
Posted: July 26th, 2023 under food, personal.
Comments: 14
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: July 26, 2023, 9:11 pm
Schooch and lean left or right.
You have to break the butt suction with the seat you see.
Or get higher, less sinky seats…
You can also lift your legs, bending at the knee, and toss them forward like you’re trying to do a kip up and roll forward on your butt till your feet hit the floor.
Just did it, because I’m the king of slouchy half on your back lazy reclining.
Really π.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: July 26, 2023, 9:39 pm
Yup. I haven’t quite deteriorated to where it’s much trouble but I’m getting there at age 74. Living where I do in God’s Waiting Room, Florida, I can’t help but notice these things.
For my bro-in-law, it’s scooch to the edge of the chair and then keep “Nose Over Toes” for the big push.
Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: July 26, 2023, 9:51 pm
Sitting in a chair for long periods diminishes muscle strength in your legs, which makes it hard to get out of the chair, which leads to NOT getting out of the chair, which diminishes muscle strength in your legs.
It’s a vicious cycle and one I am currently stuck in.
When you pull a chair along with you so you can sit down while watering the plants – yeah, it’s getting that bad.
I used to have a treadmill, but after the strokes I started veering to the right and falling off. So enough of that. I would do walks, but the hitch in my giddyup is affecting my hip and walks tend to be painful, thus unenjoyable.
And the “nose over toes” tip has lead me to go “head over heels” more than once. I rarely bend over to pick up things or fix my shoes anymore. If I have a hand-hold, I might consider it, but I have tumbled over even with a grip.
Ah, the thrills of getting old.
Comment from Ea
Time: July 26, 2023, 10:31 pm
My, limited, experience with cooked radishes is that they lose their heat and kind of taste turnipy. So, if you like turnips gi for it. You can roast everything in the oven then blend up with broth, water etc. Then some cream.
Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: July 26, 2023, 11:28 pm
It’s all in the knees…
I got my first steroid shots in the knees last month and it’s amazing how effective those injections are for relieving pain in the knee joints.
They took away all my hip pain as well and my thigh muscles got practically a new lease on active living.
Comment from Pupster
Time: July 27, 2023, 12:18 am
Lets see, in order
– things that make a cracking noise when I get out of a chair
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: July 27, 2023, 2:18 am
What, not where your head attaches to your spinal column?
(look left) Grind (look right) Grind.
No fingers either? pshaw!
Someone posted something about crouching to be stealthy the other day and how they were unstealthed by the sound of their knee joints crackling.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: July 27, 2023, 4:13 am
Today JavaMan bought in our first tomato! About 2.5 inches in diameter. We’ve been getting pickling cucumbers and banana peppers for a few weeks now, but some the cukes are not regulation size π They’re shaped like tops. I put up about 2 lbs of little white potatoes last month, and now the red potatoes are ready. The cantaloupe and watermelon vines are loaded but not ready. The leaf lettuce has gone wild. No yellow squash, no onions, no garlic (after babying it for 2 years). No beets or bell peppers. Don’t know why. They started out great and then fizzled.
But the flowers JavaMan planted to lure in pollinators are just gorgeous. A hummingbird visits my red yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora) every day, and the bees have been busy, too. And I have a new pressure cooker/canner—a Mother’s Day gift from JavaSon, who hopes he will get some jars of pickles and salsa π
We also have a horny toad!
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: July 27, 2023, 4:13 am
Today JavaMan bought in our first tomato! About 2.5 inches in diameter. We’ve been getting pickling cucumbers and banana peppers for a few weeks now, but some the cukes are not regulation size π They’re shaped like tops. I put up about 2 lbs of little white potatoes last month, and now the red potatoes are ready. The cantaloupe and watermelon vines are loaded but not ready. The leaf lettuce has gone wild. No yellow squash, no onions, no garlic (after babying it for 2 years). No beets or bell peppers. Don’t know why. They started out great and then fizzled.
But the flowers JavaMan planted to lure in pollinators are just gorgeous. A hummingbird visits my red yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora) every day, and the bees have been busy, too. And I have a new pressure cooker/canner—a Mother’s Day gift from JavaSon, who hopes he will get some jars of pickles and salsa π
We also have a horny toad!
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: July 27, 2023, 3:09 pm
EEK! I’m sorry for the double post. I don’t know how I did that.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: July 27, 2023, 4:38 pm
I ride a bike to work every day. You’d think I’d be covered! I mean, yeah – it’s electric – but I still have to pedal.
Comment from Drew458
Time: July 27, 2023, 7:42 pm
Soup? No. But a nice bright salad. The radishes you grow have much more snap than the timid things the grocer sells you. A little sprinkle of salt, a cold beer, and it’s snack time.
Too bad you grew onions instead of garlic. And basil. A real summer treat is a backyard garden salad made with tomatoes, garlic, chopped basil, olive oil, and a sprinkle of coarse salt. Heaven.
Comment from Syracuse1989
Time: July 27, 2023, 8:05 pm
Squats are where it’s at. You can start by doing them from your chair with bodyweight. We don’t want an incapacitated Weasel!
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: July 28, 2023, 6:22 pm
I would bet that if someone came up behind you and touched the back of your ear with a stun gun, you would get out of that chair very quickly. Of course, the proper technique would be to use TWO stun guns, and apply one simultaneously to each ear. That way your exit would be straight forward instead of lurching to one side.
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