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Old woman is lost and confused

I thought for sure I’d called a new Dead Pool when Kissinger died. He was a fan favorite. Apparently, I did not.

So when I called it for Norman Lear, I thought it was a whole ‘nother Dead Pool. It was not.

Unwinning someone seems a churlish move, so I will recognize TheFritz as the proper winner of Dead Pool 172, and Armybrat a co-winner by way of my incompetence. It has been done before, ISTR.

Rich Rostrum, as usual, pulled me up on it. Rich, for accounting purposes, would you prefer I called Armybrat’s win DP 173?

The picture is the first row of examples when you give the prompt lost and confused old woman to Craiyon.com. These were the least worst – one old dear looked like she was bleeding from the eyes.

And no, none of these old women look a thing like me.


Comment from thefritz
Time: December 7, 2023, 8:07 pm

Well call me confused and amused…I thought it was a clear win with ‘ol New World Order Hank. I’ll just clam up, and take the Dick, thankful we all get another shot on Friday.
Hey Lester, you best be fast, I just may poach screwy Louie!

Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: December 7, 2023, 9:16 pm

Yes, SWeasel, you remember correctly… I was a beneficiary of one such circumstance!

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: December 8, 2023, 1:36 am

Please, swease, feel free to pin the blame on me. I was the first to post a comment about the, um, non-conforming win. My brain is about halfway through its eighth decade and although it still works pretty well, sometimes where did you say you found my car keys? In with the Whitworth wrenches? Fascinating.

BTW, that “old woman” on the far right doesn’t look lost and confused. She looks like she just heard somebody near her break wind. Maybe it was the gal on the far left.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: December 8, 2023, 10:49 am

Did you ask the AI thing to do a pic of Hillary On Wednesday November 9th 2016 for that middle rendering?

Comment from Armybrat
Time: December 8, 2023, 1:13 pm

I concede my victory to the rightful winner thefritz. I’ll find another horse to ride to victory!

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: December 8, 2023, 7:34 pm

I thought for sure I’d called a new Dead Pool when Kissinger died.

And I distinctly remember posting a pick to that DP. (Which I will use today instead.) Folie à deux?

It has been done before, ISTR.


DP 74 – Catnip with Kirk Kerkorian and pupster with Jeralean Talley.

DP 106 – Carl with Morgan Tsvangirai and RushBabe with Billy Graham.

DP 115 – Ric Fan with Harry Leslie Smith and ExpressoBold with George H. W. Bush.


Armybrat sez I concede my victory to the rightful winner thefritz.

I think that should be honored.

Uncle Al: She looks like she just heard somebody near her break wind.

“I sat next to the Duchess at tea.
It was just as I thought it would be.
Her rumblings abdominal
Were simply phenomenal
And everyone thought it was me.”

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