Zo! During its iPhone Whatever launch last week, Apple broadcast a cringey five minute video of a meeting between the Board of Directors (I guess) and Mother Nature (a sassy black woman, of course), wherein Apple explains how flipping green they are all over the place.
A comic named Lou Perez made a parody using much of the same footage, where the board brags that they’ve reduced their carbon footprint in the US by using child labor abroad.
None of which I care about. Well, I mean, child labor is awful, but I’m no activist. I’m interested in his production values. It says in the credits his part was shot on an iPhone, and it probably was. His footage blends seamlessly with Apple’s.
It’s probably worth ten minutes of your day to watch the Apple one and then watch the Perez one to see how perfect a guerilla takedown that is for, like, no money and a bit of clever editing. More of this, please.
Posted: December 19th, 2023 under personal.
Comments: 1
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: December 19, 2023, 7:52 pm
OMG – watch the other videos from Comedy is murder.
Re-writing Roald Dahl, for example.
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