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I know what I’m doing over the holidays

Backing up my Gmail account. Your storage allotment is across the whole platform, so when you fill it, it paralyzes your Drive, Gmail, Photos…everything. And they don’t tell you until it’s already full. And when you delete stuff, it doesn’t recognize it for up to 24 hours.

This is an account I don’t use for much but my phone camera, but that’s why it’s full. I have a few days of looking at chicken and cat pictures ahead.


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: December 20, 2023, 10:51 pm

Sympathy and empathy. Whenever I go through old photos, 90% of my time is spent asking myself, “What idiot thought this was worth holding onto?!?”

Those “personal cloud” gadgets are looking more and more attractive. It all sits on your desk or shelf and you can connect PCS, Macs, tablets, phones, whatever over WiFi or even mobile data, and if you run out of space you just plug in another honkin’ big drive. Storage, compared to when I got started with this computer craziness is insanely cheap. I mean, for a couple hundred bucks, my laptop has 4 Terabytes of solid state “disk” space and 40 Gigabytes of RAM.

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