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We’re having a normal one

He found it! The absolute madman – found it!

We do Christmas as an evening meal, so if you’ll excuse me, I have rolls to proof. I hope everyone’s day was everything you wanted and you finally got that pony/motorbike/train set you’ve asked for every single year.

Merry Christmas!


Comment from dissent555
Time: December 25, 2023, 7:23 pm

ooh! Fresh bread sounds so good!

Merry Christmas to one and all!
Now where is that next bottle of Bordeaux?

Comment from Surly Ermine
Time: December 25, 2023, 11:03 pm

Merry Christmas Auntie Sweasel and Uncle Badger! Cheers!

Comment from Anonymous
Time: December 25, 2023, 11:10 pm

🎶The first Bordeaux my angel did drink….
Was a four-dollar bottle aged for two weeks
It was aged ,it was aged, in a bathtub I think
That’s probably why it was so cheap….

Oh Hell, Oh Hell, Oh Hell, Oh Hell
Tomorrow my angel’s not gonna feel too well!🎶

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: December 26, 2023, 1:22 am

You wanted on of those?

Temu has them 😁

Hope everybody had a splendid day and here’s to a splendid tomorrow!

I don’t want the train, but I’d love to build the layout it runs on.
With arched rail bridges, dusty little factories and a pine forest.

Comment from technochitlin
Time: December 26, 2023, 1:37 pm

Merry Christmas and Boxing Day to all!

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Beware: more than one link in a comment is apt to earn you a trip to the spam filter, where you will remain -- cold, frightened and alone -- until I remember to clean the trap. But, hey, without Akismet, we'd be up to our asses in...well, ass porn, mostly.

<< carry me back to ol' virginny