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It should be easy enough to check…

This is the Midsummer Tree in Worthing. Folklore has maintained for centuries – or at least since the early 19th C – that on Midsummer’s Eve, skeletons rise up and dance around it. It almost got cut down in 2006, but a passing resident saw them hacking on it and got a campaign together.

They’ve been gathering around it ever since, and nary a skeleton.

Short one, but in order to post, I have to get at least one hand out from under the throw blanket. We’re having a cold snap at the moment. The ice on the chickenwater was 2″ deep this morning – I had to go in and boil the kettle to free them up.

We don’t get many of these, but when we do, I don’t recommend holing up in a wattle-and-daub house. Wait’ll Uncle B gets the fire built up and we’ll be alright.


Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: January 16, 2024, 9:09 pm

Forecast low overnight at my location: 11ºF

Elev 322 ft, 37.5 °N, 77.57 °W

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: January 16, 2024, 9:10 pm

Can we finally start calling ‘climate – change’ Old and Busted?

Sure it’s January and it’s supposed to be cold, but not this cold. I thought we had the last winter snow, forever, in about 2015 or something.

I mean I am in Texas and we just had two stupid cold (-11C°) days in row and more coming. Further, it seem like it’s everywhere. My friends in Tokyo are complaining about the cold, and now Chilly Old England chimes in with the same.

Comment from Ben
Time: January 16, 2024, 10:40 pm

-16 F here in Colorado last night.

Comment from thefritz
Time: January 16, 2024, 10:55 pm

sitting under the swirling ceiling fan on the pool deck…suffering with 80* in the free state of Florida….everyone who asked me how I was doing today was greeted with “Great! my Buccaneers won last night and I’m not shoveling snow….”

Comment from p2
Time: January 17, 2024, 2:22 am

Scary warm +20 and snowing hard… the climate experts are calling for lows around -40 this weekend and highs not much above that. ‘Bout damn time it got Alaskan cold again.

Comment from technochitlin
Time: January 17, 2024, 12:48 pm

16F this AM on the Gulf Coast. Since I get cold now if the temp is below 60, Ima stayin’ inside for a bit.

Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: January 17, 2024, 4:43 pm

We’re having a cold snap here, too. It’s been getting down to the low 70Fs overnight. It’s so bad that we’ve been sleeping with blankets. In fact, I’m sitting in my office right now and I don’t have the fan on.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: January 17, 2024, 6:01 pm

Thank you Tim….it’s comforting to know that you’re suffering along with the rest of us… #$&*”#!!

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 17, 2024, 8:55 pm

@Tim — Yeah, it’s been a bummer here in Sarasota County, too. I had to put socks on.

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