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His name is Toh-loo Kah

I secretly wanted a Furby when they came out in 1998, but I was a grown-ass 38-year-old woman and forebore. Also, they went from the original $30 to hundreds on the gray market because supply couldn’t keep up with the demand that Christmas.

This model was made 1998 to 2001 and there were ultimately 40 million sold, so there are still quite a few kicking about.

This is an original ’98 version (they got more colorful and decorated as time went on).I paid £19.99 on Ebay for what was described as a non-working original model. I had intended to take it apart for fun. I was almost disappointed to discover it works fine.

Well, except it suffers from a common glitch called me sleep again: immediately after waking up, it says the magic words and goes back to sleep again. There are various ways to shake him out off it, but the bug will always come back. Something like 20% of the ones that still work have this glitch.

One site says it has to do with the tilt sensor – a little metal ball in a cage – getting gummy and dirty. The Furby thinks it’s fallen over, so me sleep again would be a perfectly reasonable response. Would also explain why turning it upside down and shaking it makes it better for a while.

Well, I’ve had fun. I’ll keep waking it up until I catch Uncle B tip-toeing into the room with a hammer.


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 22, 2024, 7:25 pm

My first thought was to simply post a snarky “me SMH again” and let it go at that.

But honestly, how many of us have never had one (or more) of those irrational fetish-like semi-obsessive urges to acquire our own idiosyncratic Furby stand-ins? Ultimately I got over it, but I sure did enjoy driving my Chevy 350 V8 powered Jaguar and my SVO Mustang, impractical though they were!

At least Stoaty’s splurge was only £20 whereas mine were more like £20,000. Um, that’s total and not each. I may have been foolish but I wasn’t insane.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: January 22, 2024, 9:37 pm

Uhm, Weasel: that thing is NEVER going to work in that old house. I mean if Furbies aren’t little gremlins, I don’t know what they are and I distinctly remember you telling us all that your house and been evil-spirit proofed….


Comment from technochitlin
Time: January 23, 2024, 12:53 pm

Fidgit Spinners. I has one.

Comment from Pupster
Time: January 24, 2024, 1:10 am

Professor Uncle Plum Badger

In the Conservatory

With the chicken lamp

Comment from Drew458
Time: January 24, 2024, 2:54 pm

Completely off topic, but a fun mustelidae meme …

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