New wellies!
Uncle B’s treat. I think this is the model: Swamp Master Galaxy. Only, I don’t think they have steel toes. I could get up and look, but that would involve getting out of this chair.
It’s a very comfy chair.
Now comes the hard part: throwing away my old wellies. I mean, they’re excellent wellies. They’ve lasted me, like, 15 years and they’re still in good shape. It’s just, the lining has come loose and gets pushed down a little more each time I put them on.
I’ve reglued the lining once and it lasted a good while. I could reglue them again.
I’m bad at letting go of things. Especially things that are trivial but personal. I have a feeling my old pair will end up in the closet. You know, just in case.
Good weekend, everyone!
Posted: February 2nd, 2024 under personal.
Comments: 10
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: February 2, 2024, 8:15 pm
And if you let those old Wellies dry out properly and reglue them before putting them in the closet, they may actually work well the next time you take them out!
Unless, of course, your feet grow twixt now and then…
Comment from steve
Time: February 2, 2024, 8:51 pm
You do not want steel toes!
Too darned cold when doing wet work in Northern climes.
Now, if they have fiberglass protective toes, that is a different matter.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: February 2, 2024, 9:12 pm
I thought you were making up “Swamp Master Galaxy” Wellington boots. 😉
“I’m bad at letting go of things.” Me, too (my linen closet is overflowing). I’d repair the boot lining,and keep them in the trunk of my car. Ah—sorry—the boot of my car. 😉
But one thing JavaMan never fusses about is my habit of salvaging the leather from old handbags. And I take his old wallets apart since that leather is very fine and thin—very handy. We always manage to use it up on various projects.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: February 3, 2024, 2:03 am
Letting go.
I have three pairs of 5-11 boots, lining loose on one, zipper shot on the other, and one new pair.
Soles worn down, uppers waterproofed accidentally by stain, paint, and oily products.
I used to go through a pair a year before I retired, now they last a good 2 years or so.
Great boots though.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: February 3, 2024, 2:03 am
Letting go.
I have three pairs of 5-11 boots, lining loose on one, zipper shot on the other, and one new pair.
Soles worn down, uppers waterproofed accidentally by stain, paint, and oily products.
I used to go through a pair a year before I retired, now they last a good 2 years or so.
Great boots though.
Comment from Anonymous
Time: February 3, 2024, 2:37 pm
I think this is considered mandatory in any discussion of good boots.
The Sam Vimes “Boots” theory of socioeconomic unfairness
(often called simply the boots theory)
“The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. … A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.”
Comment from MrKnowitall
Time: February 3, 2024, 5:58 pm
Sam Vimes always puzzled me about one thing. He was quite correct in his “boots” theory, of course. If you can afford to “buy once-cry once” that is the way to go. Indeed, at Sybil’s insistence, he had custom boots made for himself. However, he didn’t wear them. Instead, he wore his cheap boots with the soles worn very thin, so he knew where he was by the feel of the cobbles in the street, even in the dark, which as a copper was very useful.
The question is, why didn’t he take the comfortable, long wearing, but thick-soled custom boots back to the cordwainer and ask if he could put on thin soles so he could feel the street? I’m sure something like the thin but tough underarm skin of the Ephebian Yellow Dragon would last a decade as a boot sole, while providing the supple foot-feel he so cherished. An opportunity lost!!
Comment from Pupster
Time: February 3, 2024, 7:56 pm
Great boots though.
Did you retire from the sh**-kicking business, D.Y.? I have 511’s too, but only 2 pair, I wear them 3 days a week. It’s honest work.
There really is no substitute for muck boots when you need them.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: February 3, 2024, 10:39 pm
There really is no substitute for muck boots when you need them.
Yes, but there’s no absolute requirement that they be on your own feet. Here I can go down to the Home Depot parking lot in the morning and hire by the hour a guy named Raúl who has his own muck boots.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: February 5, 2024, 7:33 pm
Heads up, Stoaty! LavenderGirl appears to have bagged the current DP with her Jonnie Irwin pick.
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