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I’m sorry :(

I nixed the thing I was going to post at the last minute, so I’m postless. I shall use this opportunity to apologize to the Dead Pool folks. I didn’t think about Toby Keith being in the DP. Lavendergirl won it. I realized it too late for a new one this week, though, so the next Dead Pool is next Friday.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: February 9, 2024, 9:02 pm

But @Stoatie! Think of all the terrific picks who will DIE in the intervening week! Waaaaah!

Not to worry, though, there will never EVER be a shortage of deserving slebs for the Dead Pool.

BTW, the latest dead sleb winner wasn’t Toby K. @LavenderGirl’s winning pick was Jonnie Irwin (RIP).

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: February 13, 2024, 5:38 pm

Never hoid of him.

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<< carry me back to ol' virginny