Help a weasel out
I have reached a state of spiritual purity: I no longer desire material things. This is a problem because my birthday is next month and Uncle B is pestering me for ideas.
There’s nothing big I want and anything small I want I buy as I go, so it will have to be something novel. Bought any interesting knick-knacks or gadgets lately? Nothing too dear, please.
I did the first mow of 2024 this morning. The grass was way too wet and I kept having to pull wads of clogged vegetation from under the blades in a process that gives me the willies, safety release or no safety release. But it is done.
And this little puffball snoozed through it on the other side of the fence. Not so the chickens, who know for a fact lawn mowers are the very devil and the only way to ward him off is to scream and run in circles.
It still knocks me out that I can see behbeh sheep from my lawn chair.
Posted: April 10th, 2024 under personal.
Comments: 8
Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: April 10, 2024, 9:01 pm
Find an unnamed star. Buy the naming rights for it.
Call it Stella Weaselaris Natalis.
Comment from OldFert
Time: April 11, 2024, 12:44 am
In the States you can buy a “title of nobility” to become a lord or lady in Scotland or some such. Only seen the ads but I don’t think they’re expensive.
Just don’t know if they’re legal to buy in the UK.
Comment from BJM
Time: April 11, 2024, 3:52 am
No lamb babies here abouts…but we had three new foals last week, two bay colts, and buckskin filly (she will turn gray). The filly almost didn’t make it, the mare had an uterine infection, it happens and we could have lost both, but our vet saved the day and Tank(the mare) and baby are out in the paddock sunning themselves. After we mucked the stalls this morning we took our coffee, and pockets full of horse treats, out to join them.
There is nothing better than spring babies napping in the grass.
Comment from BJM
Time: April 11, 2024, 4:00 am
Stoatie…maybe an experience? Is there somewhere you would like to visit this spring, a concert or something you would like to do?
We reached the same point…got way too much stuff and like you we buy what we want as we need it or fancy it.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: April 11, 2024, 12:48 pm
My mother-in-law would always give me birthday money, and I always spent it on magazine subscriptions. Usually something I wouldn’t ordinarily subscribe to, or wildly frivolous: Sailing, island vacations, cooking, wines, building/construction trades, flying, photography, RV-ing, calligraphy, beekeeping, astronomy (for the record, I am not smart enough to read astronomy magazines), Vogue and Elle Decor. These are all magazines I have subscribed to 🙂 And not too dear.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: April 11, 2024, 2:43 pm
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll probably go with socks and underpants.
How bitterly I resented socks and underpants under the Christmas tree; how delighted I am to see them now.
Comment from Armybrat
Time: April 11, 2024, 9:24 pm
Diamonds are a girls best friend. Just sayin’…..
Comment from LesterIII
Time: April 12, 2024, 5:03 pm
Mme. Stoaty, please ask that His Badgerness create a new, free email address that we may send suggestions to so that you get the joy of a surprise!
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