Aw, bless
If you click the article, you do get the full mugshot, but I love the way crops the pictures on the front page so it looks like we’re arresting toddlers for serious crimes.
Still no internet. As it turns out, it’s only £3 a gigabyte to top up, but you can easily use a gig a day browsing the internet. Okay, that’s still not a lot of money, but it feels like a rip.
We don’t have them here, but it looks like I’ve reached the Early Bird Specials stage of life.
Posted: April 22nd, 2024 under britain.
Comments: 4
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: April 22, 2024, 9:20 pm
We don’t have them here either—Early Bird Specials. The Panhandle isn’t an alluring place for retirement, so there’s not a large senior citizen community. But JavaMan gets up annoyingly early, and goes to bed early. So it follows that he likes to eat supper early. In fact, he just stopped to speak to me about supper, and is just after 4pm. We rarely have anything heavy. Tonight he’s having a glass of milk and a package of graham crackers. I’ll probably have a bowl of cereal, or maybe some cinnamon toast. I make killer cinnamon toast. 😉 Now the dog is nagging me for her supper.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 22, 2024, 10:52 pm
SW Florida in general and Sarasota County in particular make up for the TX Panhandle and all those other places that have a dearth of EBSpecials. I particularly appreciate the bars that have ’em. At Mama Leone’s I get two healthy glasses of a darn good Moltepulciano, and at the British Open Pub (seriously, that’s a place nearby), I can get a double shot of Jameson for the price of a single. 😎
In a closely related area, I’ve finally overcome my reluctance to ask and have been getting small but not silly-small “senior” discounts. I’ve been eligible for a lot of them for 10 or 15 years (I’ll be 75 in the 2nd week of May). Hey, what with inflated prices these days, every little bit helps.
Comment from OldFert
Time: April 22, 2024, 11:52 pm
£3 a gigabyte? What, no coffee shop or diner to park outside of and leach from their WiFi?
Comment from MrKnowitall
Time: April 23, 2024, 3:04 pm
I hear tell that ol’ Elon has some kinda space satellites for the internet at pretty decent rates. Might bear a comparison at least.
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