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Coming to the end of the wizard game at last. It was fun – and, in the end, much bigger than I expected. I certainly won’t 100% it. It would take ages to get all those last little bits.

There were several epic spider fights, of course. I’m not -phobic about much, but arachna- makes the list. There’s a subtle thing they did in dedicated spider fights: they waved tiny black tendrils in the corner of the screen. This was probably ha-ha funny in 2D, but in VR it was both subliminal and unnervingly like what it’s like to have a spider on your face.

I know this because I had a spider on my face once. I was about nine, I was at a picnic, I thought my hair was blowing in my eyes and someone said to me, “did you know there’s a spider on your face?” I can feel it now. Spiders are scratchy.

Happy last day of April. We know what comes next, don’t we? BIRTHDAY MONTH!


Comment from Veeshir
Time: April 30, 2024, 10:34 pm

A few years ago, in AZ, I felt something on my forehead, thought it was a fly or something.
I flicked it off and it felt sorta hard.
I looked down and was a 2-3 inch scorpion.
It must have been in my hat when I put it on.
I still freak out a little when a fly lands on my face.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 30, 2024, 11:47 pm

Maybe somebody else can figure this out; I sure can’t. It isn’t the spider that gives me the heeby-jeebies, it’s the spider web. Drape a cobweb across my face and my pulse won’t drop below 150 until next Friday.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 1, 2024, 9:41 am

The web, yes.

But also the spider, and they often get this wrong. I’m not a bit afraid of tarantulas – big hairy things, they’re practically mammals. Ditto things like wolf spiders.

It’s the ones with the swollen, shiny abdomens and long, thin, pointy legs. The black widow is the classic of this shape, so maybe it’s ancestral memory.

Also the way they move – slowly, then super fast. Unpredictably.

Veeshir, my mom used to bitch about the scorpions. Apparently, they like to crawl in your boot or the sleeve of your bathrobe when you turn your back. I take it you weren’t stung.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: May 1, 2024, 10:25 am

Saw one, tiny, scorpion here at the house in North Texas 36 years ago just after we moved in. I still knock my boots out if I leave them on the porch (mud….) overnight.

My spider preferences match your Sweasy. The, what I call “hunting spiders” actually look at you if you get close, you can see them bend to look up at you. kinda cute.

The orb spiders just have that creepy no response thing going.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: May 1, 2024, 10:27 am

Saw one, tiny, scorpion here at the house in North Texas 36 years ago just after we moved in. I still knock my boots out if I leave them on the porch (mud….) overnight.

My spider preferences match your Sweasy. The, what I call “hunting spiders” actually look at you if you get close, you can see them bend to look up at you. kinda cute.

The orb spiders just have that creepy no response thing going. And nothing quite like walking through the woods and getting a face full of web cause you just KNOW you’ve got the builder riding on you now.

Comment from OldFert
Time: May 1, 2024, 3:38 pm

Happy BirthMonth, Dear Lady of Badger Manor.

Comment from Connections Unlimited
Time: August 19, 2024, 8:19 am

The game is structured in levels, each increasing in complexity. Early levels might focus on simple connections, while advanced stages introduce more intricate patterns and rules.

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