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There really is an app for everything

Wifi controlled egg incubator.

I’d be interested if they included a candling egg cam. I was astonished when I candled my first egg. Folks, they flap around in there!

Meanwhile, I have just received the least effective phishing spam ever. The subject is “Purchase Confirmation 0991935444” – one of those where they try to trick you into opening a malicious pdf file masquerading as an invoice.

But the body of the email is “Good morning, cherished one! With each new dawn, may you be reminded of the blessings that fill your life. Start your day with a heart full of gratitude, and watch as the universe unfolds its wonders before you.”

You can’t fool me! That’s not a real invoice!


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: May 16, 2024, 7:46 pm

“I wonder what they claim I bought? I better open that file right now!” is what I imagine ZERO PEOPLE will say to themselves.

Comment from Anonymous
Time: May 16, 2024, 8:15 pm

I wonder – what country do you think the email author is from? I don’t think it’s Chinese and it seems a little flowery for even an Indian person.

As for wifi apps, well, the one I want is a mouse trap that tells you when it’s caught something. I already have a wifi roomba, toothbrush, and hot water hester. Why not an egg incubator?

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: May 16, 2024, 8:29 pm

I get robo calls from a text to speech female voice telling me that someone spent $1000 at Amazon with my Visa card…they don’t give up either. Or texts from Canada Post saying my parcel is in the mailbox, click the link to check it.

I want less radio frequency in my life, not more…we’re getting irradiated like never before. Apple Air Pods can actually cause brain damage.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: May 16, 2024, 11:28 pm

That was probably sent to you by the Duchess of Netflix (who was just visiting her Nigerian homeland hoping to meet up with a fellow royal with a connection to the bank that is holding the cash from Mr Samuel Abacha’s account).

You didn’t really think that unsolicited jar of her American Californian Montecarlo Riveria home made squid jelly was going to be free did you?

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