Shapsnots: I heart salmon and cucumber
Yep. Got a sushi mold for my b’day.
The ordinary course of action is to roll up all your sushi doo-dah on a bamboo mat, by hand, and then give it a squeeze. But you can also press the ingredients into molds of various shapes and configurations.
The key is the sushi rice, which is both sticky and puffy, and compresses into firm shapes. Plus the seaweed wrapper, which is very dry but sticks to itself nicely when dampened.
Somehow, I always finish a sushi-making session with little sticky gobs of sushi rice stuck to me in improbable places, like itinerant boogers.
Posted: May 23rd, 2007 under food, personal.
Comments: 5
Comment from Dawn
Time: May 23, 2007, 4:58 pm
Your birthday just goes on and on and on. It’s like a friggin coronation.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 23, 2007, 5:00 pm
Last year, it was Birthday Week. This year, it’s the Fortnight of Birthday. By next year, I’m hoping National Weasel’s Birthday Month will be on the academic calendar.
It’s good to be the weasel.
Comment from Pupster
Time: May 23, 2007, 5:20 pm
You should post a picture of the mold dear Weasel…is it really heart-shaped?
*puppy eyes*
That’s soooo sweeeeet…
Comment from Lokki
Time: May 23, 2007, 8:01 pm
Sushi mold? It that like bread mold, or the mold that makes blue cheese? I’m such a culinary moron.
Comment from Steamboat McGoo
Time: May 24, 2007, 12:38 pm
“…itinerant boogers.”
Coke. Monitor. Assembly complete, dammit.
The imagery!
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