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bracing myself

A snapshot from my garden today. Which made me wonder – can bugs fart? The answer, apparently, is also yes.

Come to sweasel.com for all your burning science questions.

Tomorrow morning – early, if I know the workin’ man – they’re coming to put scaffolding up around the house. Our (500 year old) chimney needs repointing. We know this because if it rains hard enough, our (500 year old) house leaks badly. It doesn’t bear thinking about water that has filtered through 500 years worth of dust, dead bees and rat skeletons.

‘Unhygienic’ really doesn’t seem adequate.

Have a good weekend!


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: September 20, 2024, 7:19 pm

Termites. Termites fart. Or at least termites are a major source of methane and I wouldn’t know what else to call that but termite farts.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 20, 2024, 8:17 pm

Yep. They talk about termites and methane at the link. The sheer number of them, apparently.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 20, 2024, 11:51 pm

Do they do ozone?
That might explain the ridiculous orders coming out of Indiana to turn off their lights.

So, the bugs we’re supposed to eat may be producing the climate gases we’re supposed to eat bugs to prevent?

Bizzaro World rules man!

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