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I threw a sheet over the two chairs we inherited to keep the cat (pictured) from scratching the upholstery. It didn’t work, naturally.

It’s not the first time I’ve had this thought, but I know – from reading Victorian novels – that rich English people who had more than one home would put sheets over the furniture in the off season. I’m as sure as sure can be that this is where the popular conception of a ghost looking like something under a sheet with two arms raised in the air comes from: armchairs under sheets. Or grandfather clocks or birdcages. Either drafts blowing the sheets around or dark rooms giving the illusion of movement.

It’s too perfect.


Comment from Deborah HH
Time: October 9, 2024, 9:36 pm

Stoaty, you’ve had more cats than I have (only one), but you might like to try this idea.

Scout Master JavaMan used a tree limb to make candle holders for a Boy Scout ceremony, and left a 2 ft long section of the limb on the patio. When our Cat found it, he dug right in—every day—leaving his mark on the bark. After a week or so, I asked JavaMan to cut the limb in half and I brought the two pieces in the house. I put one in the kitchen, and the other in JavaSon’s bedroom—just laid them in the floor. It was a fresh limb, about 5 in. in diameter, that needed to come off the tree so the odor may have encouraged the cat. But he never bothered the furniture again after that. He would stand on the limb and give it a vigorous mauling with all four feet. And I would sweep up the bits of bark.

To Our Friends in Florida—I hope y’all are safely tucked away.

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