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Oh, the humanity!

Uncle B asked me if there was anything special I wanted to eat for Christmas (he’s at the beginning of the annual ordeal that is the Christmas cake). I thought of this. Probably my favorite cake in the whole wide world and I haven’t had it in I don’t know how long.

Did you have this growing up? Nabisco first published the recipe in 1929 as the Chocolate Wafer Icebox Cake. Sorry for the fuzzy picture, but this one looks most like the version my mother always made.

Here’s a recipe, but you don’t really need a recipe. You take one packet of Nabisco Famous Chocolate Wafers and smother them in whipped cream. Leave overnight in the fridge.

I know that doesn’t sound special, but oh my lord! The cream softens the wafers and the wafers stiffen the cream and for someone like me who thinks texture is about the most important component of food, it is a thing other worldly.

I can get specialty American foods like graham crackers or chocolate wafers here, if I’m willing to pay the price. So I went looking and OH MY GOD NABISCO HAS STOPPED MAKING THEM!!!

About a year ago. After 95 years. Nobody knows why. There’s been a petition and a Facebook group (people really love this thing), but so far Nabisco hasn’t responded.

Fortunately, the article about it also includes a recipe for home-made chocolate wafers.

I can get the ingredients for it. But do I have it in me?


Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: November 12, 2024, 6:23 pm

Everything Chicago based companies touch turns to crud.

They bought out Whataburger a couple years back and it’s turning into Whatamess.

Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: November 12, 2024, 7:37 pm

Finally…. an experience with the out-of-control spam filter. How many years is this? At least eight if not ten.

Your loss, homeys! It is a recipe…

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: November 12, 2024, 9:35 pm

I have another friend who always had this for his birthday cake. Maybe Nabisco will reconsider.

Comment from p2
Time: November 13, 2024, 4:29 am

You do have it in you. If I, a mere mechanic, can conquer sausage rolls, complete with rusk and shortcrust pastry, then you, my artistic friend, can certainly kick chocolate wafer ass. Go forth and create! (While you’re at it, make your own whipped cream. T’would be sacrilege to use anything less)

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