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You can have it if you want

At auction: “oil on canvas by Muriel A Jackson, framed woodland cottage scene, with witch tentatively walking towards.” Muriel was a strange lass.

Today I bumped into someone I haven’t seen in a while. I asked him how it was going and he said his big brother died last week. He died alone.

“It’s his own fault,” he said, “he was a womanizer his whole life. We think he took up drinking toward the end. And, of course, he was a chain smoker.”

I’m like, “Wait! His life was filled with women and booze and cigarettes and he died at 81 in his own bed in his sleep? Your brother is MY HERO!”


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: November 26, 2024, 12:08 am

Wait! His life was filled with women and booze and cigarettes and he died at 81 in his own bed in his sleep? Your brother is MY HERO!

Indeed! Most commendable!

I mean, he could have had a heart attack behind the wheel stopped at a red light, and his final experiences as he faded gradually away, in pain, might have been the sounds of horns blaring at him and people shouting, “Move, you #@%$*€£!”

Imagine how awful that would have been.

edit p.s. — That’s one of the most unappealing paintings I’ve ever seen.

Comment from Pupster
Time: November 26, 2024, 12:28 am

I told my wife I would like to die while making love.

She said “Well, at least it will be quick and painless.”

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: November 26, 2024, 1:39 am

@Uncle Al –
I want to talk to the zoning board, the city engineer,the builder, and the building inspector.

That hut is way too close to the edge of that probably unstable cliff edge.
The chimney looks questionable, and the construction materials of the hut overall seem overly combustible and substandard.

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