Oh. Ohhhhh.
I’m surprised we don’t see more of this, on reflection. I’m surprised social media isn’t clogged with mental illness. I guess most people this far gone have minders.
This was hidden at the end of an unrelated Xweet. She’s made 40K of these in four years. That’s about 40 a day. Some are cut and paste, but there are variations that reveal more elements of her delusion. It’s very sad.
There’s another (totally unrelated) thing on Xwitter that makes me crazy. Tucked behind a spam label at the foot of a thread, you’ll see something like,
Ever since I started following @Mary_Normalname, my investments have truly skyrocketed! Thanks so much Mary!-@pookie28374656
The @pookie28374656 will have 30 – 300 followers and the @Mary_Normalname one will have about 30,000. Every time.
I’ve seen a dozen of these. I assume it’s some kind of cryptocurrency spam. I report them both. Not that it does any good, but I’m spiteful like that.
Posted: December 9th, 2024 under personal.
Comments: 2
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: December 9, 2024, 10:16 pm
Any experience at all with people who are mentally ill to that degree is indeed very sad. It’s natural when we see people in trouble to try to help (OK, there are exceptions but I submit the default reaction is to help if we can). But in my limited (three people) exposure nothing I said or did resulted in any but the most automatic of responses. And that’s what’s truly the saddest: you cannot reach such as these.
As for that investment thing, that’s simply the work of a crook!
Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: December 10, 2024, 1:22 am
I have been banned from X (formally Twitter) since January 8, 2021 without explanation that makes sense nor with anything like evidence of a violation of ToS.
The “Free Speech Platform” is anything but conducive to free speech. Any and all appeals have been rejected without explanation or evidence of ToS violation.
Let that sink in.
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