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Happy Friday the 13th!

I’m friendly with a woman who owns a coffee shop in town. She’s been moaning at how bad business has been these last couple weeks, so I stopped off and had a double espresso this morning on the way in.

Then when my boss arrived, I had a black Americano first thing. I don’t know why they call it an Americano. Do you?

Then on Fridays I get together with a group of old ladies for a cappachino mid morning. I was thrumming like a banjo string by lunch. Electric weasel.

Have a good weekend. I promise you more of the same lazy, low quality content all next week.


Comment from Jon
Time: December 13, 2024, 7:24 pm

Not sure if this is folklore but apparently American GIs made it because they didn’t like the local espresso: https://drinksupercoffee.com/blog/nutrition/what-is-an-americano/
Its source is the New York Times, which is suspect at best, but it looks like it was written by a Marine. (Which could be suspect if you’re one of the other armed forces I suppose.)

Comment from SundogUK
Time: December 13, 2024, 8:27 pm

I have heard the same thing, Jon. During the allied invasion of Italy in WWII, GIs added hot water to the local espresso. Us Brits were drinking tea, of course, so never noticed.

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: December 13, 2024, 8:39 pm

I don’t drink coffee, in large part because I’m immune to caffeine. A long time ago, someone left a liter bottle of JOLT Cola behind after a gathering I hosted.

A few days later, I was working on a programming project in the evening, and began nodding off. So I drank the whole bottle. I kept nodding off, so I went to bed and fell asleep.

The caffeine has no effect and I never got into the flavor.

I see people spending seemingly stupid money on fancy beans. Do any coffee drinkers here actually appreciate any particular flavor?

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: December 13, 2024, 9:37 pm

Oh Rich. I’m crazy about Kona—grown on the Hawaiian island of Kona. Sadly, I cannot afford pure Kona (for everyday drinking) and must needs adulterate the Kona with mundane Arabica. I also love a Mexican estate coffee named Tres Plumas Oros, which has a lovely round buttery taste.

I found a Kona plantation for sale a few years ago, and asked JavaMan to buy it for me (it was a bargain!) but he said no-can-do. I’m still sore about it.

Comment from thefritz
Time: December 13, 2024, 10:25 pm

@Rich Rostrom

I’m addicted. My daily drink is Caffé Verona from Starbucks. I buy the whole bean at my box store. The price has steadily climbed from $6/pound to now over $8 in just a year. It’s gonna go up even more since there’s a severe drought in Brazil and some other country’s that they source from.

It’s 80% Yukon Blend® and 20% Starbucks® Italian Roast. Classified as a dark roast with chocolate notes. It’s high in caffeine so that’s the key!

Comment from DronedYankee
Time: December 13, 2024, 11:29 pm

Giant Electric Weasels seen hovering over New Jersey.
They mean us no harm.
Take us to your Sweasel!

@Rich – same problem, it doesn’t keep me awake oddly, or wake me up, but in quantity makes me jittery as all get out, which is unpleasant.

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: December 14, 2024, 1:17 am

I drink Great Value Instant Coffee from Walmart, that’s my favorite 🙂

Have a good weekend everyone 🙂

Comment from Armybrat
Time: December 14, 2024, 1:51 am

I drink exactly 2 cups of coffee/day and I finish my second cup no later than 0900. I don’t drink soda, tea or any caffeinated beverage after that or I will be jittery all day and awake well past midnight. I am not a nice person when I am awake past midnight.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: December 14, 2024, 3:57 am

I made a naming blunder visiting Ireland last year… I tried to order something which I enjoy drinking; a mix of half Guinness and half Bass Ale. I had learned that the name of this drink is a “Black &Tan”. It was politely and patiently explained to me that “we don’t use that expression around here”

In Ireland, the term “black and tan” is associated with the Royal Irish Constabulary Reserve Force, nicknamed the “Black and Tans”, which was sent into Ireland in the early 1920s during the Irish War of Independence and resulted in violent outbreaks between the forces and the Irish people.
The Black and Tans had a reputation for brutality; they committed murder, arson and looting and became notorious for reprisal attacks on civilians and civilian property.

Oops! Who knew?


Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: December 14, 2024, 8:56 am

@Someveg – I was told “Half an half” after the same mistake.

Turns out all those years of Makem & Clancy led me astray.

“Up the Republic”

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: December 14, 2024, 9:30 am

Some Veg, I have scrupulously avoided learning anything at all about the history of the relationship between Ireland and England. There are some intractable messes that I don’t need to give headspace to.

Comment from Jon
Time: December 16, 2024, 7:10 pm

On coffee beans: There are cheap bad ones, cheap good ones and fancy ones.
Kona is really the king for me because it has natural sweetness more than most of the usual. However, being in Hawaii makes Kona extra super duper pricey because of shipping anywhere else.
I know people who have had the cat poop coffee and apparently it’s good? I do not care to try it.

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