Where’d the weasel belly go?
I didn’t realize Grok had an image creator, but it does. Go to regular Grok and type “create a picture of a weasel playing the banjo.”
It clearly has an issue with middles. And feet. It did the same thing to “badger playing a violin” (no, Uncle B doesn’t play the violin).
I satisfied my curiosity on one point: if you give it the exact same prompt you will get different images each time, including some wild ones (two-necked banjo, anyone?).
One more day of work!
Posted: December 19th, 2024 under personal.
Comments: 4
Comment from Jon
Time: December 19, 2024, 6:20 pm
I tried to Grok an image of myself but it only returned 4 generic male images. Even “image of my profile pic” didn’t make it budge.
Meh. I suck at image prompts anyways.
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: December 19, 2024, 7:16 pm
It definitely belongs in a Disney movie. An old one without confused people.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: December 19, 2024, 11:11 pm
I especially like that first image. The weasel looks to be wailing away at heavy metal banjo. A Deering, no doubt!
Comment from bds
Time: December 20, 2024, 3:20 am
Jon – Grok is good at describing photos, so ask it to describe your profile picture, then tweak if needed and use it as your prompt for the drawing. Works much better than trying to go directly from the photo.
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