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Nice paint job


Spotted crossing a supermarket parking lot. I think I made a puddle.

The Mail has a bunch of neat examples of this principle applied to garage doors.

Want! But it doesn’t really go with the whole “Tudor farmhouse” thing.


Comment from gnus
Time: July 23, 2009, 8:16 pm

Here, kitty.

Comment from Nicole
Time: July 23, 2009, 9:47 pm

Those are way cool.

Comment from scubafreak
Time: July 23, 2009, 10:42 pm

LOL….. Did you ever watch ‘Second Hand Lions’? Great show, especially when Kyra Segwicks boyfriend was beating up the Haley Joel Osmont, and his pet lion comes shooting out of the cornfield to defend him. The double-take the guy does is great…..

Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: July 24, 2009, 12:49 am

doesn’t really go with the whole “Tudor farmhouse” thing

Well, doesn’t that kinda depend on what the SUBJECT of the trompe-l’oeil painting is? I mean. . .a badger’s den? You could even do it with pictures from the badger whisperer’s archives. Or you could do an Elizabethan battle scene. . .or something intermediate between the 16th century and today. I mean, the possibilities are endless. And you could make it really, really tasteful.

Comment from David Gillies
Time: July 24, 2009, 1:06 am

I love trompe l’oeil. If you and Uncle B get a chance to visit the Painted Hall at Greenwich Naval College, take it. There are some amazing examples there. My cousin had her wedding reception there. I couldn’t tell you what we ate, but I remember the room vividly.

Comment from Carl
Time: July 24, 2009, 4:14 am

The paintings in the Painted Hall at Greenwich are very impressive. They were finished in 1727. Apparently, the artist, Sir James Thornhill, had trouble getting payment for the job, so he worked in a self-portrait showing him holding his hand out for the money

Comment from JuliaM
Time: July 24, 2009, 6:42 am

“Spotted crossing a supermarket parking lot. I think I made a puddle.”

Ahhh, if you’d only called the police in utter panic, we could say you’ve finally ‘gone native’… 😉

Comment from Princess Bernie
Time: July 24, 2009, 1:13 pm

That is teh awesome. I’d like one for my garage door showing my doberman sitting and holding the severed leg of an intruder. Do you think the neighbors will mind?

And I agree, I think you can have one done for the tudor that is a trompe l’oeil of a quaint cottage. on the front of your quaint cottage.

Comment from Nicole
Time: July 24, 2009, 6:48 pm

Secondhand Lions was an underappreciated movie. I loved it.

Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: July 24, 2009, 6:54 pm

JuliaM–That was a giggle! I especially loved the last line:

“A police spokesman said: ‘No action was taken. We encourage people not to carry things that disturb other drivers.'”

God forbid the driving public should be disturbed. . .

But do you suppose the same principle would apply to Princess Bernie’s proposed garage door?

Comment from Veeshir
Time: July 24, 2009, 7:57 pm

A family by where I grew up had a Model T painted on each of the two garage doors on their old barn/garage.

It looked pretty good.

Pingback from WANT! » Cold Fury
Time: July 26, 2009, 10:01 am

[…] Wall Guestbook WANT! Posted in Brilliant! by Mike Jul 26 2009 TrackBack Address. That’s what the Weas says, and I’m with her a thousand percent: Too, too cool. And there’s more where that […]

Comment from Andrea Harris
Time: July 27, 2009, 12:42 am

When I was eighteen I worked as a cashier in a grocery store. Like most of the grocery stores in Florida this one had big plate glass windows in the front. Well, one day this station wagon pulls into the parking lot. In the back was a live, full-grown tiger.

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