Not exactly Superman…
Faster than a speeding runnybabbit…
More powerful than a really strong runnybabbit…
Able to leap tall runnybabbits in a single bound…
Look, under that hedge! It’s — A WEASEL!
Yeah. Heh. My nephew bought a weasel shirt.
It’s the first I’ve seen one of my own products in person, on account of I am FAR too cheap to pay trans-Atlantic postage. I’m relieved to observe that the print quality and color fidelity looked good.
Okay, y’all — you know the drill. Show up tomorrow at 6pm Weasel Blog Time to make your pick in the Tenth Celebrity Dead Pool.
And if steve wins it a third time in a row, for god’s sake nobody sit next to him.
Posted: July 1st, 2010 under artwork, blogging, personal, t-shirts.
Comments: 18
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: July 1, 2010, 10:37 pm
Dear Madam,
I would like to complain about the shameless advertising and self-publicity on this blog.
I don’t pay good money to blah blah blah blah…
Comment from Dawn
Time: July 1, 2010, 10:55 pm
I was wearing my sweasel shirt when I made the front page of the newspaper at a TEA Party.
No one else gets it, but I love it.
Comment from Enas Yorl
Time: July 1, 2010, 11:05 pm
Yup steve, you’re >< this close to getting put on the Group W bench.
Comment from Gromulin
Time: July 1, 2010, 11:09 pm
Let’s hope Steve picks Jimmah next round. Hell, lets reserve ALL the top-shelf despicable bastards until he picks one…
Comment from Dawn
Time: July 1, 2010, 11:11 pm
Oh and may I complement you on your fine choice of nephew? 😉
Comment from EZnSF
Time: July 1, 2010, 11:14 pm
“shameless advertising”. She’s American!
I love the Dame Stoat Store.
But I only remember to visit when she reminds us.
Next paycheck I get my Reagan mug.
(yes my economy sucks that bad)
Comment from Mr nephew
Time: July 1, 2010, 11:24 pm
‘Run weasel run, run, run, don’t let the badger get you with his gun, gun, gun’ 😀
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: July 1, 2010, 11:49 pm
I really need to be posting links to products more often — outside links on busy sites make products drift higher in a Google search. But I really hate the way it looks like I’m trying to screw money out of you poor bastards. It’s like constantly hitting up your friends for beer money or something.
Comment from EZnSF
Time: July 2, 2010, 12:14 am
“It’s like constantly hitting up your friends for beer money or something.” Bullshit.
Scream your artistic political sensibilities and fun from the Roof Tops!
There’s a ready market and UB wants that new glass greenhouse.
Comment from steve
Time: July 2, 2010, 12:30 am
I feels the power rising!
And the one most deserving of achieving his comeuppance in the after life is….?
Whom shall we pick?
Comment from Allen
Time: July 2, 2010, 2:16 am
Weasel, I had a wonderful moneys idea for you but I forgot. Oh, now I remember, a version of the chicken drop contest.
Ms. Mapp Pecks a Weasel. It goes something like this: after the dead pool Miz Weasel goes out to the coop and Ms. Mapp proceeds to peck away. The first body part pecked wins the raffle.
Uncle B is the final arbiter of the contest. So, before the announced results everyone has to pony up some moolah. Weasel gets half, and the winner gets the rest. Let me diagram this.
1. Dead Pool.
2. Weasel gets pecked.
3. Minions pick parts and send cash.
4. UB announces, moneys!
Comment from Nina from GCP
Time: July 2, 2010, 3:24 am
I liked this:
4th of July Weekend Sale – 17.76% OFF ALL ORDERS!! Use Code: ZAZZLEUSAUSA
Comment from SCOTTtheBADGER
Time: July 2, 2010, 9:12 am
Don’t worry Mr. Nephew, the weasel is safe, a Badger may only draw and fire his sidearm under conditions defined in the Force Option Continuum. I can’t see Our Most Noble Hostess ever placing Herself within those parameters.
Comment from Oh Hell
Time: July 2, 2010, 1:21 pm
I don’t hit my friends up for beer money, just beer, wait…I don’t drink. Oh.
Comment from Elphaba
Time: July 2, 2010, 1:36 pm
If Steve ends up with three dicks, he’s gonna need his own page in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Hey, Steve, can you pick Nancy Pelosi this time? Pleeeeeese?! 😉
Comment from Mrs Compton
Time: July 2, 2010, 2:40 pm
I gave Mark one of your Nobel prizes. So you two snuggle up and you can see it in person! Gonna miss dead pool this time around. Shopping in Paris during soldes season is a higher priority for me than finding wifi!!! Watch, Maggie will bite the big one this time around! At least I got a pic of her house the other day!
Comment from Pablo
Time: July 2, 2010, 4:02 pm
If steve picks me, I’m gonna kick his ass. Quickly.
Comment from mandel bread
Time: July 3, 2010, 4:24 am
Patti Page
“How much is that reaper in the window?”, sing it Patti!
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