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End of an era

No, no…not poor old Jane Russell here, who fell off the twig this week, age 89. Bless her heart. There’s always something disturbing about visualizing the old age of people known primarily for their scorching hot sex appeal.

No, I mean Steamboat McGoo, who’s giving up blogging to spend more time at Denny’s. About his scorching hot sex appeal I do not wish to think.

If there’s one thing Ms Russell and Mr McGoo had in common, it was an almost mystical belief in the redemptive power of the booby.

G’wan over and wish the old coot well.

Me, I’ve got a routine blood draw tomorrow, so I’ve had nothing but oatmeal all day, nothing but water from now until morning, and no booze tonight. In a word, meh.


Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: March 3, 2011, 11:11 pm

But, tomorrow there will be bloody mayhem – mark my words!

Comment from Mono The Elderish
Time: March 3, 2011, 11:14 pm

Your words are marked.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 4, 2011, 12:12 am

See, I’m going to come out of there hungry tomorrow. And one of our favorite fish and chips shops serves a thing called a Spam fritter, which I take to be batter-dipped and deep fried Spam slices.

I’ve always wanted to try that. And their onion rings. So I think we know what I’m having for breakfast.

Comment from Mitchell
Time: March 4, 2011, 12:37 am

^So you’re eating here tomorrow?

Don’t look at me like that – somebody was going to link it.

Comment from Sven in Colorado
Time: March 4, 2011, 3:16 am

The other side of my ‘eritage comes from Galway and Ripley.

Bring on Maureen O’Hara!….(as in The Quiet Man with John Wayne) ya’ll want fire? Katherine (Kate) O’Danagher will bring a hot poker for to light your pipe….SIR!

Comment from Scott Jacobs
Time: March 4, 2011, 4:10 am

No booze?

Don’t they realize how dangerous it is for someone like you to stop cold turkey???


Comment from SCOTTtheBADGER
Time: March 4, 2011, 5:23 am

She could dance acceptably, as well.

Comment from cmblake6
Time: March 4, 2011, 5:28 am

Multiple losses to humanity. *SIGH*

Comment from Clifford Scridlow
Time: March 4, 2011, 2:41 pm

You stop drinking for a routine blood draw? Why, that just thickes it up and makes it hard to get out of the vein. A couple of eye-openers before the trip to the lab and mine practically leaps into the syringe of it’s own volition.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 4, 2011, 3:44 pm

I’m not too worried about my liver numbers. I just didn’t want my sample (or me) to give off a cheap vodka pong.

Somebody at the Rhode Island Blood Center told me, when the bags of donated blood had been sitting around for a while, some of them develop a scum of fat on the top. Like chicken broth. Ever after, I’ve been suspicious what my samples tell about me.

Spam fritters were nice. Not sure I’d feel compelled to do it again — my thin-sliced, pan-fried Spam delicacy is better — but they were nice.

Stopped by the library and managed to find a real estate listing for our house. Looks like 1980s, so not TOO exciting, but it was interesting to see what’s different and what’s the same. We used to have a weather vane!

Comment from Deborah
Time: March 4, 2011, 4:16 pm

We’re a Spam Family too—ditto thinly sliced and fried, served with spicy brown mustard (and Ranch Style Beans). Spam Fritters may be gilding the lily. Spam, and Dried Beef (Hormel or Armour) are pantry staples in my house.

Now I have this urge to go camping.

Comment from Elphaba
Time: March 4, 2011, 4:47 pm

Jane Russell was a boon to the booby…women finally went from having to wrap them for that flat-chested 20s abomination of fashion to being able to cross their hearts and wear them with pride. R.I.P., Jane.

I am all kinds of bummed about McGoo’s retirement. I hope he lets us know how he’s doing once in a while. *sigh* At least I still have the Weasel Times and Stoat Intelligencer to keep me abreast of the issues (well, maybe not McGoo’s kind of abreast, but still important, coz it has chickenz and kittehs and photoshopping genius and such).

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 4, 2011, 4:49 pm

Well, I was kind of imaging something like chicken fried spam. Spam tempura. You know, a wholly encased slice of spam. It was lightly battered, though.

Also, I thought it was faux Spam, on account of it was big round slabs, but Uncle B said restaurant Spam comes like that, in round tins.

Restaurant Spam. Is this a wonderful country, or what?

Comment from Nina
Time: March 4, 2011, 7:11 pm

Spam is made only barely tolerable by frying it until it’s mostly black and eating with mashed potatoes. But only barely.

My dear departed dad loved the stuff, God love him!

Comment from rustbucket
Time: March 4, 2011, 10:39 pm

By happenstance I brought a can-o-SPAM for dinner break tonight. Gonna slice it thin, toss it in the toaster oven, then when it’s almost done add a piece of sharp cheddar on ’em to melt. What a sandwich that’ll be!!!
Only a half hour ’til break!!!

Comment from some vegetable
Time: March 5, 2011, 1:13 am

Enjoy your well earned Denny’s Grand Slam breakfast McGoo! Oh, and “accidently” trip someone with your cane for me please 😉

As for Spam, my Japanese wife had never heard of the stuff until a friend from Guam (where the Spam is the state (sic) animal. She came home with a can and asked me (remembering the wonders of Twinkies which I’d failed to tell her about) asked me why I’d never told her about this Spam stuff

Comment from some vegetable
Time: March 5, 2011, 1:24 am

SIGH 🙁 Posting from my Nook and I can’t edit my post above so here’s the rest of the saga: I told Mrs Vegetable ” I work very hard so you don’t have to eat Spam”. She asked ” does it taste bad?” I confessed that it’s actually pretty damn tasty. ” What is it made from?” She asked. “Ah, that’s the question”, I replied. After I explained that part, well I think we still have that can somewhere. She still likes her Twinkies though: -)

Comment from Nina
Time: March 5, 2011, 12:16 pm

Parts, did you tell her “parts?” Yeah, parts. Can’t get past the parts!

Comment from Cobrakai99
Time: March 5, 2011, 3:59 pm

Delux breakfast at Hawaii Micky D’s features Spam, eggs and rice. Tasty.

Comment from Mono The Elderish
Time: March 5, 2011, 5:14 pm

A and A is now under new management! ala eddie bear! it may yet live!

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